Catalog Upload - Replacement Parts
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    Catalog Upload - Replacement Parts

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    Article Summary

    Details for the upload of replacement part data include an explanation of the use of the attribute type and a sample template.

    See Topics: 

    Replacement Parts in Catalog Files - Detailed Description

    Catalog Upload - Additional Attributes 


    Replacement Parts are uploaded using the Additional Attributes file with the attribute type of either replacement part or diagram. The columns of the file are used in slightly different ways from what is customary for Additional Attributes.

    Replacement Parts Upload Template

    The Additional Attributes Upload Template is also used for Replacement Parts.


    Delta Uploads

    For each SKU in an Additional Attributes delta upload file the following behavior is the result of the import:

    • If the SKU does exist in the system the additional attribute data is replaced or added by the value(s) in the file
    • If the SKU does not exist in the system or is empty a warning is generated and the SKU is not updated.
    In general, for an existing product, existing attribute values are replaced by new attribute values of the same type.

    Acceptable Attribute Types for Replacement Parts




    Image for the Replacement Part Product


    Child SKUs for the Replacement Part Product

    Catalog Upload - Replacement Parts

    Attribute Type = replacement_part

    Column NameDescriptionRequiredMax LengthSample Value
    part_number ('sku' is also supported)This is the Suppliers Part Number for the Parent Product that has Replacement Parts available.

    Use the part number that your customer would search for.
    attribute_typeThis is the Type of attribute being uploaded.

    Must be 'replacement_part' for Child SKU Import.
    Yes N/Areplacement_part
    attribute_nameThis is the sequential order for the Child Replacement PartYesN/A1
    attribute_valueThis is the Supplier Part Number for the child SKU in the Replacement Part Product.YesN/A1010A
    positionDetermines the sequence of display for the item
    If no value or incorrect value, default is 0

    Attribute Type = diagram

    Column NameDescriptionRequiredMax LengthSample Value
    part_numberThis is the Suppliers Part Number for the Parent Product that has Replacement Parts available.

    Use the part number that your customer would search for.
    attribute_typeThis is the Type of attribute being uploaded.

    Must be 'diagram' for Image Import.
    Yes N/Adiagram
    attribute_nameThis is the name of the Image.YesN/AParts Diagram
    attribute_valueThis is the URL for the Image.YesN/A 
    Use keyboard characters only. If a non-keyboard character is needed, use HTML encoding for it. For example:  ® for registration mark.

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