Catalog Upload Status and Validation Reports
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    Catalog Upload Status and Validation Reports

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    Article summary

    See Topics: 

    BuyerQuest Catalog Workflows

    Catalog Upload Status

    The status and file type for a catalog file upload is shown on the Catalogs Grid available from the Main Menu > BuyerQuest Network > Approve Catalogs.

    Catalog Status Grid Display for Buyers and Administrators

    Catalog Status, Validation Reports and Change Reports are accessible from Catalogs > Approve Catalogs on the Home Page for approvers at the buying organization. 

    Approve Catalogs shows the catalogs needing approval by the user.

    Global Catalogs is available when system permissions allow. This option offers visibility into the status of all catalogs in the system. Global Catalog access provides the means for administrators to view and troubleshoot catalog status and upload issues. 

    BuyerQuest CatalogStatusGrid2018Apr16.png

     The columns in the grid can be sorted and filtered to find key information on the status of specific catalogs.

    1. View and filter by upload Type  - Common Fields, Additional Attributes, Custom Options, or Tiered Pricing.
    2. View and filter by Status to locate successful uploads  or those with status types that may need further investigation, such as those that Failed. 
    3. Status Details list further detail providing further basis for the current state.  
    4. The user account submitting the Catalog Upload is listed in the Submitted column.
    5. The ACTIONS list provides access to further detail in the options, depending on status and can include View Details, Download File, Download Validation Report, and Download Change File.

    Email notifications are sent only for the common fields file uploads.

    Catalog Status Display for Suppliers

    Suppliers access the Catalogs area on the Home Page menu to view and review status of recent catalog uploads and to access validation and change reports. 

    The Catalog Grid offers the same information on the status of the catalog as for the buyer.  Permissions govern the specific ACTIONS allowed to be taken for a given catalog and supplier user. 

    BuyerQuest SupplierCatalogGrid2018Apr17.png

    1. A Supplier user may also Download or Upload Catalogs from the Catalogs page.  

    Review the Validation Report

    After a supplier uploads any catalog (especially the common fields file), the supplier must review the validation report for warnings and errors, even if the Catalog does not show Failed status. 

    Validation Report - Explanations and Examples 

    Please note

    Processing of records for Common Fields uploads has eliminated all skipped records entirely. 

    Revisions to the common catalog upload process have resulted in validations consisting only of:

    • Errors resulting in Failure
    • Warnings resulting in specific actions

    Header Validations

    Upload Type and ConditionConditionImport StateMessage 
    FullFile Completely empty. No Header or records (rows)FailedMissing header row.
    Full import file is missing the following fields: <list of missing fields>
    FullRequired column is missing FailedFull import file is missing the following fields: <list of missing fields>
    DeltaFile Completely empty. No Header or recordsFailedMissing header row.
    Delta import file is either missing the SKU field, or contains no fields to update. 
    DeltaSKU column is missingFailedDelta Import file is either missing the SKU field, or contains no fields to update. 
    DeltaFile contains only SKU columnFailedDelta Import file is either missing the SKU field, or contains no fields to update. 
    AnyInvalid common catalog header valueFailedInvalid header column

    Line Level Validations

    ConditionStatusMessage Validation Action 
    Duplicate SKUsFailDuplicate SKU found  
    SKU is emptyFailRequired field SKU should not be NULLRequired field SKU should not be NULL and should not be less than 41 characters long
    SKU is not a simple product (Bundle or Replacement)Fail SKU exists as non-simple product 
    All required fields for a new SKU are not providedFailOne or more required columns are missing 
    Invalid "uom"FailUOM does not exist in system 
    Invalid "currency"FailCurrency value does not exist in system 
    Invalid UNSPSC (configured Allow Products with Unmapped UNSPSC =Yes) or not 8 or 10 digits long WarningUNSPSC does not exist in the system. Product will be placed in the Default Category Use Default Category
    Invalid UNSPSC (configured Allow Products with Unmapped UNSPSC =No) or not 8 or 10 digits long  FailUNSPSC does not exist in system  
    List Price is a non-positive numberFailRequired field list_price should be positive 
    Contract Price is a non-positive numberFailRequired field contract_price should be positive 
    Invalid "catalog" value (Invalid does not mean empty)FailCatalog value does not exist in the system 
    Invalid min_quantity (Minimum Qty should be a positive number)Fail Min_quantity should be a positive number 
    Invalid max_quantity (Maximum Qty should be a positive number)FailMax_quantity should be a positive number 
    Invalid quantity_increments (Qty should be a positive number)FailQuantity_increments should be a positive number 
    Invalid "In Stock" (In Stock should be 0,1,2)Fail In_stock value should be 0,1, or 2 
    Invalid nameFailRequired field name should not be NULL and should be less than 256 char long 
    Invalid short_descriptionFailRequired field short_description should not be NULL and should be less than 256 char long 
    Invalid long_descriptionFailRequired field long_description should not be NULL  
    Invalid manufacturerFailRequired field manufacturer should not be NULL  
    Invalid mfg_part_numFailRequired field mfg_part_num should not be NULL and should be less than 41 char long 
    Invalid lead_timeFailLead_time should be less than 4 char long 
    Invalid "qty_increments"FailQty_increments should be positive integer 
    min_quantity is a decimal when “is_qty_decimal = NO”WarningInvalid minimum_quantity: System will Round it UP to xValue rounded up to the nearest integer
    max_quantity is a decimal when “is_qty_decimal = NO”WarningInvalid max_quantity: System will Round it DOWN to xValue rounded down to the nearest integer
    max_quantity is less than min_quantityWarningMax_quantity should be greater than minimum_quantity 
    list_price is less than contract_priceWarningList_price should be greater than contract_price: System will assign list_price to contract_priceList Price is set to Contract Price
    Invalid "service_type"WarningService_type should be 0 or 1(Product or Service). System will default it to 0 (product)Set to Product
    Invalid "is_qty_decimal"WarningIs_qty_decimal should be 0,1 (No, Yes). System will default it to 0 (No)Set to 0
    quantity_increments is a decimal when “is_qty_decimal = NO”Warningquantity_increments should not be a decimal value: System will round it UP to xValue rounded down to the nearest integer
    Number field contains commasWarning<Field> contains comma(s): System will remove all Comma(s)Remove commas from number fields
    Invalid Catalog nameFailCatalog(s) does not exist in the system 
    display_start_date is after display_end_dateFailStart Date should be before End DateAdjust display_start_date to occur before display_end_date

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