Change, Cancel, or Close a Purchase Order
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    Change, Cancel, or Close a Purchase Order

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    Article summary

    Change, cancel, or close a Purchase Order when status and configuration allow.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Purchase Order Configuration - Change Order Settings


    Changes may be made to a Purchase Order after it has been created by a user with the proper permission, subject to receiving status. 

    Users with Global Purchase Order Search Permission may view Purchase Orders

    Additionally, with permission to Change Order enabled, these users may Change a Purchase Order from the grid or the Purchase Order details page. 

    Any changes to a Purchase Order result in either an updated Purchase Order (with changes reflected in the Purchase Order history) or a new version of the Purchase Order

    Please note that a new Request version is created every time a Purchase Order is changed. Every Purchase Order change has an associated version of the Request. 

    Change Purchase Order from Grid

    A Purchase Order can be acted upon from the Purchase Order Grid.

    Choose Change PO from the ACTIONS drop down menu to open a Purchase Order to make changes.

    BuyerQuest ChangeOrderfromGrid2019Oct25.jpg

    Change Purchase Order

    Changes may be made to a Purchase Order in fields that are internal to the buying organization or designated as editable by the Supplier. 

    Fields that may be set as uneditable in change orders include:
    Accounting, Attachments, SKU, Qty, Quote Qty, Comment to Supplier, Internal Notes, Commodity Group, Deliver To, Shipping Address, Need By Date, and Verifier.

    Settings for editable fields are found in the Admin Control Panel at Manage System Configurations > Procure > PO Configuration and in SUPPLIERS > Manage Supplier

    Changes to these Purchase Order fields result in a new version of a Purchase Order: 
        Accounting, internal attachments or comments, and verifier 

    Changes to these Purchase Order fields result in a new Purchase Order being created and sent to Supplier or ERP system:
        Attachments or Comments for Supplier, Quantity, Deliver to, Shipping Address, Need by Date.

    Changes can be reviewed before they are submitted. 

    BuyerQuest ChangePurchaseOrder2022Jan26.png

    These changes can be made to an order, at line or header level, subject to supplier configuration: 

    1. Shippinginformation.
      The User may select a Shipping Location from any of the Preferred Locations available to their current Content Group.
    2. Billing Location may be changed only at the header level. 
    3. Quantity may be changed. 
    4. Select a different existing Accounting string; or
    5. Edit the Accounting to specify a new Accounting string.
      Accounting allocations percentages allow for two decimal places in splits.
      If the system has been configured to Validate Accounting Combinations, Accounting Groups configured to be validated that include invalid accounting values will trigger errors shown in red.
    6. Change the Need by date with the calendar widget.
    7. Change the person the order is delivered to
    8. Add a Verifier
    9. Add an internal comment.
    10. Add an Attachment.
    11. Add a Catalog item from the same SupplierSee Add Catalog Item below. 
      Bundle Products may not be added during a Purchase Order Change.
      When an attempt is made to add a SKU for a Bundle, the error displays, "Not a valid SKU or part number."
    12. Add a Non-Catalog Item from the same Supplier. See Add Non-Catalog Item below. 
    13. Cancel or Continue with the Change to the Purchase Order. The new Purchase Order is displayed for review before submission. 
    The system has built-in rules to prevent situations where a user tries to change the quantity of a line item to less than the quantity that has already been received. Similarly, a Purchase Order cannot be changed if it has been fully received.

    Changes to Ordered Date on Purchase Orders

    When a Purchase Order is changed by a new line being added or updated, the ordered date is updated for the new or updated line only.
    The ordered date change for the line will be reflected in the Purchase Order Transaction Report and in the Purchase Order Export

    Actions Triggering Date Changes on Purchase Orders

    The Ordered Date is updated for all Line Items when any of the following Actions occur:

    • New Request is submitted                            
    • New Purchase Order is generated   
    • Edit Request changes Shipping, Need by, or Deliver To - All Line Items are considered changed    
    • A Purchase Order change includes a change to Shipping at Header Level  - All Line Items are considered changed

    The Ordered Date is updated only for Line Items that are updated or added when any of the following Actions occur:

    • Request is changed via Edit Request   
    • New Request is generated after Purchase Order change 
    • Purchase Order is updated and Line Items are changed or updated
    • A new Purchase Order is generated from a change to a Purchase Order

    Warning for Invalid Accounting Combination on Change Purchase Order

    Buying organizations may configure their systems to validate accounting combinations that they have imported.

    When a system is configured to validate accounting, the line item accounting values are validated in a Change Order. 

    Warnings display showing invalid Accounting Combinations.

    BuyerQuest InvalidAccountingChangePO2019Oct29.jpg

    Add a Catalog Item

    Users may add a catalog item from the same Supplier using the order form shown below. 

    BuyerQuest AddCatalogItemChangePO2019Oct28.jpg

    1. Add SKU and Quantity.
    2. Successful addition of a SKU shows the name of the product.
    3. Click Add Catalog Items to add the items to the Purchase Order.

    Add a Non-catalog Item

    Non-catalog items may be added to a Purchase Order if they are from the same Supplier.

    The Item Type must be the same if the system is configured to split Purchase Orders according to Item Type.

    BuyerQuest ChangePONonCatalog2021May18.png

    1. The Item Type (product or service) will not be editable when the system is set to split Purchase Orders according to Item Type. This setting ensures that only one type of item is included in any Purchase Order. 
    2. Enter the Item SKU.
    3. Add the Item name and optional Description.
    4. The Supplier field is not editable, because any items added to the Purchase Order must be from the same Supplier.
    5. Use the search/select to specify UNSPSC
    6. Enter the Quantity and the Unit of Measure (UOM) for the item.
    7. Enter the Price for the Item. The Currency type is not editable. 
    8. Save or Save and Add Another Item

    Change Order Displays Added Items

    A confirmation message displays when an Item has been successfully added to a Purchase Order.

    BuyerQuest ChangeOrderAddItemConfirmation2019Oct25.jpg

    Items added to a Purchase Order display with available actions

    BuyerQuest ChangeOrderwithAddedItems2019Oct28.jpg

    1. Non-catalog Item added to Purchase Order.
    2. Catalog Item added to Purchase Order.
    3. Non-catalog Item may be edited or deleted.
      Catalog Item may be deleted. 
    The Shipping Locations of the items added to the Purchase Order will be the same as for the rest of the items.

    Add a Product with Custom Options - Configuration Needed

    Catalog and non-catalog items may be added to a Purchase Order from the same Supplier, but products with custom options being added must first be configured before they can be added to a Purchase Order. When a buyer selects a product with a custom option and attempts to Add to Cart, the system displays a warning message stating that the item requires configuration.

    BuyerQuest ConfigNeededChangePO2018May25.png

    Click on the Product in the Change Order order screen to Configure it.

    Configure Product with Custom Options

    Use the Configuration window to set the configuration for a product with custom options.

    BuyerQuest ChangeOrderCustomOptionConfiguration2018May25.png

    1. Set all Configuration Options marked as required, as shown by the red asterisk.
    2. Use the vertical scroll bar to navigate through all the Configuration Options.
    3. When finished, Set Configuration. 

    The status of the product changes to display a green check mark, and Add Catalog Items allows the product to be added to the Purchase Order

    BuyerQuest CustomOptionProductAddedChangePO.png

    Change Purchase Order - Deleted Item

    An Item deleted from the Purchase Order is retained but flagged as removed. The Quantity is listed as 0. 

    If the item has already been received, it cannot be deleted from the Purchase Order. 

    BuyerQuest PurchaseOrderLogicalDelete20018Nov27.png

    The line item is visible but shown as removed. 

    See the Documentation Topic: Purchase Order Configuration - Change Order Settings

    Review of Purchase Order Changes

    After changes are made to a Purchase Order, the user can click Continue for display of changes for review before submission.

    The Change Order review page below displays line level details.

    BuyerQuest ReviewPurchaseOrderChanges2022Jan26.png

    Submit finalizes the changes and generates a new version of the Purchase Order and Request.

    The system displays a message confirming the changes to the Request.

    BuyerQuest PurchaseOrderChangeConfirmation2019Oct28.jpg

    Purchase Order Change Summary and History

    Changes to Purchase Orders are captured in the Purchase Order History in the Change Summary. 

    Sample Change Summary

    BuyerQuest POChangeSummary2022Jan26.png

    Sample Change History

    BuyerQuest ChangeHistoryPurchaseOrder2022Jan26.png

    Cancel Purchase Order

    You may cancel a Purchase Order if permitted by the Supplier, after the order has been placed but before items have been received. 

    Users with Global Purchase Order Search and Cancel Order permissions may cancel a purchase order from the Purchase Order grid or Purchase Order details page. 

    BuyerQuest PurchaseOrderCancel2018Nov09.png

    After you click on Cancel PO, a confirmation dialog displays. Upon confirmation, the PO is cancelled.

    A Purchase Order that is partially received (partially fulfilled) cannot be cancelled.

    BuyerQuest Cancel Purchase Order

    Force Close Purchase Order

    If status and configuration allow, you can Close a Purchaser Order from the Purchase Order grid. 

    Users with Global Purchase Order Search and Close Purchase Order permissions may cancel a purchase order from the Purchase Order grid or Purchase Order details page. 

    If you do not expect to receive any further shipment for the Purchase Order or want to close any further invoices to be processed against it, you can Force Close it.

    After you click on Close PO, a confirmation dialog displays. Upon confirmation, the Purchase Order is cancelled.

    BuyerQuest Confirm Force Close Purchase Order
    When a Purchase Order is manually closed,  the system marks it as Force Closed.

    No further receiving or invoicing can be done for the Purchase Order until it is manually reopened. 

    Bulk Close Purchase Orders

    It is possible to close Purchase Orders in bulk using the Data Loads facility in the BuyerQuest system.

    The Data Loads functionality can be accessed by navigating to Menu > DATA LOADS > Manage Data Loads  > Manage Data Load Imports in the Admin Control Panel. This feature is available only to Admins with the necessary roles/privileges.

    BuyerQuest Bulk Close Purchase Orders

    Clicking on 'Add Import' takes the user to the screen shown above. The user can provide the following information to schedule a bulk import of Purchase Orders that need to be forcibly closed.

    1. Select value of the Entity Type drop-down as Purchase Order.
    2. Provide details about the server type and location of the file containing the list of Purchase Orders to be closed.
    3. Provide email addresses for notification of failures.
    4. Provide email addresses for notification of warnings.
    5. Provide email addresses for notifications of success messages.
    6. Provide mapping of column in CSV file that corresponds to the Order Id of the POs to be closed.

    Review Status of Bulk Close of Purchase Orders 

    Review the status of the most recent Bulk Purchase Order Close Data Load or schedule another run from the 'Manage Data Load Imports at Menu > System Administration > Data  Loads > Manage Data Load Imports.

    BuyerQuest  Status Bulk Close Purchase Order

    Notifications to Suppliers

    Notifications to suppliers are sent when changes are made to Purchase Orders as described above.

    If the supplier is configured to receive POs via cXML, then the following will happen:

    1. If the PO is cancelled, the system will send out a cXML PO cancellation message to the supplier.
    2. If the PO is changed, the system will send out a cXML Change Order message to the supplier.

    If the supplier is configured to receive POs via Email, then the notifications will be sent: 

    1. If the PO is cancelled, the system will send out a PO cancellation notification email to the supplier as well as the requester.
    2. If the PO is changed, the system will send out a PO change notification email to the supplier as well as the requester. 

    When a PO is closed, no notification emails are sent out.

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