Commodity Groups and G/L Account in the Procurement Workflow
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    Commodity Groups and G/L Account in the Procurement Workflow

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    Article summary

    When enabled, Commodity Group and G/L Account values are displayed, reviewed, and edited at the line level in the procurement workflow in Checkout Review, Edit Request, Change Request, Change PO, Invoice, and Credit Memo.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Manage Accounting Groups and Values


    Commodity Group and G/L Account functionality is available when enabled in the Admin Control Panel. 

    For Commodity Groups and G/L Account values to be enabled, both Enable Commodity Group and Enable Commodity Group to GL Account Mapping must be set to "Yes" under System Administration > Settings and Configurations > Manage System Configurations > Requests & Approvals > General Configuration


    Depending on system configuration and user permission settings, users may have the ability to adjust these values at the line level as they review documents in Checkout Review, Edit Request, Change Request, Change PO, Invoice, and Credit Memo.

    Default Values for Commodity Group and G/L Account 

    When enabled, default values for Commodity Group and G/L Account are displayed in Checkout Review, Edit Request, Change Request, Change PO, Invoice, and Credit Memo. 

    Determination of default values and available values for editing Commodity Group and G/L Account in the procurement workflow are controlled by the data associations between UNSPSC, Commodity Group, and G/L Account as configured in their mappings and in Manage Accounting Groups and Manage Accounting Values. 

    UNSPSC, Commodity Group, and G/L Account Associations 

    1. Each line item has a UNSPSC value associated with it. 
    2. Each UNSPSC value may be associated with zero or more Commodity Groups
    3. Each Commodity Group value may be associated with zero or more G/L Accounts.

    Default Values for Commodity Groups 

    The determination of the default value for Commodity Group is through look up of the UNSPSC value of the line item in the UNSPSC to Commodity Group Mapping

    Association for Commodity Group Default Value
    Commodity Group Default Value
    UNSPSC is not associated to a Commodity GroupDefaults to the first Commodity Group in the system mapping table
    UNSPSC is associated to one Commodity Group Associated Commodity Group
    UNSPSC is associated to more than one Commodity GroupDefault selected. If default has not been specified, the first Commodity Group is selected.

    Default Values for G/L Account 

    The determination of the default value for G/L Account is through look up of the line item Commodity Group and selected Accounting Group Value (if applicable) in the Commodity Group to G/L Account Mapping

    Association for G/L Account Default Value
    G/L Account Default Value
    Commodity Group is not associated to a G/L AccountDefaults to the first G/L Account in the system mapping table
    Commodity Group is associated to one G/L AccountAssociated G/L Account
    Commodity Group associated to more than one G/L AccountDefault selected. If default has not been specified, the first G/L Account is selected.

    Checkout - Commodity Group and G/L Account in Assignment of Line Level Accounting 

    Default Accounting Values

    Accounting Values displayed on Checkout and Checkout Review are defaulted in one of two ways, depending on system configuration: 

    1. Based on the user's accounting preferences under MY ACCOUNT; or
    2. Based on the Commodity Group to G/L Account mapping at the line level if configured to default based on G/L Account.  

    Specify Accounting on Checkout

    Proceeding to Checkout without default accounting preferences set in MY ACCOUNT prompts the selection of accounting for the Request. 

    BuyerQuest No Default Accounting

    1. To specify accounting values, click on Edit.
    2. Relevant Accounting Groups to be updated are shown at the top of the page.
    3. Commodity Group and/or G/L Account can be specified by clicking on Assign Line Level Accounting.

    Review G/L Account Value

    BuyerQuest Interstitial Accounting

    1. When Assign Line Level Accounting is accessed, if enabled, the default G/L Account is displayed. Depending on system configuration and user permissions, the default value can be changed. See the section in this topic on Default Values for G/L Account.
    2. You can Review Changes before submitting the Request.

    Checkout Review - Commodity Group in Detail View

    Display of Default Values for Commodity Group and G/L Account  

    Use Detail View to review the line item details during Checkout Review.
    BuyerQuest Checkout Detail Commodity Group G/L Account

    1. To review line level details, click on DETAIL.
    2. Commodity Group value displays according to the UNSPSC to Commodity Group mapping in the system.
    3. G/L Account value displays according to the system configuration -- a default is provided according to associations with Commodity Group or it is filtered through a Parent Accounting Group.
      See the sections in this topic on default values: Default Values for Commodity Groups and Default Values for G/L Account

    Edit Commodity Group or G/L Account Values on Checkout Review Page

    Depending on user permissions and the configuration of Commodity Groups and G/L Account values for your organization, edits may be made at the line level for Commodity Group or G/L Account values.  

    Edit Commodity Group on Checkout Review

    From the Detail View, users may view and edit a Commodity Group value that is associated to the UNSPSC of the line item. Those with specific permissions may also have the option to search and select any Commodity Group value in the system.

    BuyerQuest Edit Lines Individually Checkout

    To access line items for editing Commodity Group or G/L Account values, choose edit lines individually under Other Line Item Details.

    BuyerQuest Commodity Group Line Item Edit

    To view and select a different Commodity Group to associate with the line item:

    1. Access the search/select box by clicking on the arrow to the right of the Commodity Group value.
    2. To display and select available Commodity Group values, use the type ahead function and enter all or part of a textual or numeric designation of a Commodity Group.
    3. You can scroll through the options to view and choose a Commodity Group value.
    When editing, you have access to all the Commodity Groups mapped to the UNSPSC of the line item.
    When there is no Commodity Group associated with the UNSPSC, all Commodity Group values in the system are available for selection on edit.
    Depending on your organization's configuration and your permissions, you may also be able to view and choose from all Commodity Group values in all situations, regardless of mappings.
    The G/L Account value is recomputed when the Commodity Group is edited and saved.

    Edit G/L Account on Checkout Review

    G/L Account values associated with Commodity Group are displayed in the Detail View of Checkout Review.

    The G/L Account value can be updated during Checkout Review by editing at the line level or by updating other Accounting Groups on which the G/L Account is filtered. Those with specific permissions may also have the option to search and select any Commodity Group in the system.

    BuyerQuest GL Account Edit Individually Checkout

    BuyerQuest Edit G/L Account Checkout

    Select edit line individually to display Accounting details at the line level.

    1. To edit G/L Account or other Accounting details at Checkout, click on Edit.
    2. To display and select available G/L Account values, use the type ahead function and enter all or part of a textual or numeric designation of a G/L Account.
    3. Note that configuration of Accounting Groups and values can be set to restrict edits on specific Accounting Groups, which appear grayed out. Accounting Groups can be configured to not be editable at Line Level. See Manage Accounting Groups and Values
    4. Review Changes to G/L Account before saving.
    When editing, you have access to all the G/L Account values mapped to the Commodity Group of the line item.
    When there are no G/L Account values associated to the Commodity Group, all G/L Account values in the system are available for selection on edit.
    Depending on your organization's configuration and your permissions, you may also be able to view and choose from all G/L Account values in all situations, regardless of mappings.
    The Commodity Group value is not updated when the value of the G/L Account is updated.

    If an Accounting Group is selected in Manage Accounting Groups for G/L Account to be filtered on and if the value of the Accounting Group is updated, the G/L Account for all line items should be recomputed.

    Edit Commodity Group or G/L Account in Edit Request, Change Request, Edit PO, Create Invoice, or Create Credit Memo

    Commodity Group values may also be editable at the line level during Edit Request, Change Request, or Change PO, in addition to Create Invoice and Create Credit Memo.

    Edit Commodity Group during Edit Request, Change Request, Change PO, Create Invoice, and Create Credit Memo

    An approver has the ability to change the Commodity Group assigned to a line item when editing a Request. Likewise, a requestor may change a Commodity Group in a Change Request or Change PO

    BuyerQuest Edit Request Commodity Group

    1. Select a line item to view the full details and display the Commodity Group assignment.
    2. View and select from available Commodity Group values by clicking on the arrow to the right of the Commodity Group.
    3. Note that the default G/L Account value is displayed.
    4. Cancel or Continue.
      The G/L Account value will change based on the edited Commodity Group value.
      See the sections in this topic on Default Values for Commodity Groups or Default Values for G/L Account.

    Edit G/L Account Value in Edit Request, Change Request, Change PO, Create Invoice, or Create Credit Memo

    An approver has the ability to change the G/L Account value assigned to a line item when editing a Request. Likewise, a requestor may change a G/L Account value in a Change Request or Change PO

    BuyerQuest Edit GL in Change PO

    1. G/L Account values are assigned at the line Item level.
    2. G/L Account values can be changed by clicking on Edit below the accounting details.

    BuyerQuest Edit GL Account

    1. To select another G/L Account value for the line item, click on the arrow to the right of the current value and use the search/select box to locate the new value to select. Available values depend on system configuration and user permission.
    2. Cancel or Review Changes

    Commodity Group and G/L Account Selection when Adding Items in Edit Request, Change Request or Change PO

    When a catalog or non-catalog item is added during an Edit or Change Request or Change PO and Commodity Groups and G/L Account values are enabled, the UNSPSC value selected is used to default the Commodity Group and GL Account.

    BuyerQuest Add Item Commodity Group G/L Account

    1. The default Commodity Group value for the added item is associated to its UNSPSC.
    2. The default G/L Account value for the added item is associated to the Commodity Group value.
    Depending on system configuration and user permissions, the Commodity Group value and/or G/L Account values may be changed.

    Related Topics

    See Accounting Groups and Values Management

    See Commodity Groups Import, UNSPSC to Commodity Groups Mapping Import, and Commodity Group to G/L Account Mapping Import

    See Manage Commodity Groups, G/L Accounts, and Mappings

    See User Permissions

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