Create a Request at Checkout
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    Create a Request at Checkout

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    Article summary

    The Checkout process allows review of the request details, including shipping and accounting information. A streamlined process allows quick submission of carts for requests.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Shipping, Accounting, and Billing Preferences

    Manage Shipping Methods

    Manage Supplier Payment Methods

    Create and Manage Subscription Orders

    Request Created from a Subscription

    Valid Accounting Combinations

    Proceed to checkout

    In Marketplace, after a cart has been reviewed and is ready to be transmitted to the next stage in the workflow, clicking on Proceed to Checkout presents a set of configurable options for the creation of a requisition (Request). 

    Requests are automatically created for subscription purchase of items. 

    Specify checkout details for the request 

    The details for item information, shipping, and accounting are displayed on Checkout.

    You can edit and add information as needed before submitting the Request.

    BuyerQuest CheckoutRequest2021Jul21.png

    1. Keep or edit the Requisition Title. Checkout opens with this title auto-filled with the Requestor's Name and Date
    2. Specify a person you are making a Request on Behalf of, if applicable.
      Shipping and Accounting Information will change to reflect the preferences of the person specified.
    3. Review and edit the order details if needed, including any Shipping, Shipping Method, Billing, Accounting, and Location information.
      The Shipping and Accounting Information from your profile is used, if available. If not available, you will be prompted to specify a shipping address for the request.
      Locations that are displayed are governed by set permissions for the user. Users whose permission is set to View Only Preferred Locations will see only Preferred Locations available to their content group. When this permission is not set, the user will also see locations available to their currently selected content group. 
    4. Note that Accounting Details are available on hover.
      If the system has been configured to Validate Accounting Combinations, Accounting Groups configured to be validated that include invalid accounting values will trigger errors shown in red.
      When Users do not have permission to edit accounting on the Checkout page, the system assigns the most current default accounting, along with the most current Commodity Group - GL Account mapping before the Accounting is validated. 
      Note that Allocation percentages in Accounting splits may use two decimal places. 
    5. Add and Save any Notes to Supplier or for Internal reference, if needed.
    6. Note that Shipping Method is displayed for any Supplier having Shipping Method specified. 
    7. Payment Method displays for any Supplier having a default Payment Method specified. 
    8. Add Watchers by clicking on the plus sign and selecting, if needed.
    9. Provide optional Notes to Approver.
    10. Include Attachments, if applicable.
    11. When the Checkout form is complete, Submit Request or Enter Payment Information. 
      BuyerQuest supports Settlement by Credit or P Card for Suppliers permitting that payment method.
      When a cart includes an item where both the supplier and the content group member are configured for credit or P Card settlement, Enter Payment Information displays for the submission of the Request.

    Over Budget Message on Checkout Page

    When Approval Rules are set with a condition specifying that an item is over budget, the Checkout page will display Over Budget warnings on those line items.

    BuyerQuest CheckoutOverBudget2019Jul29.png

    Edit Shipping, Billing, Accounting, or Shipping Method on Checkout Page

    Properly permissioned users may edit Shipping, Shipping Method, Billing, or Accounting at the header or line levels.

    Watch the video below for a quick overview of the Checkout Page design and its easy-to-use editing capability.

    View and Edit Order Details on Checkout Page

    BuyerQuest EditOrderDetails2V2021Jul21.png

    1. EDIT ORDER DETAILS allows editing at header or line level.
    2. Click on the radio button to edit  Shipping, Shipping Method, Billing, Payment Method, Accounting, or Multi Location Order at header level. Access and edit individual lines by clicking on or edit lines individually. 
    3. Billing Location may be set to be the same as Shipping.
      If the location type for the selected shipping location is shipping, an error displays, "Shipping location cannot be the same as billing as it is configured to be a shipping location only. Please select a location which is configured as both shipping and billing." 
    4. Apply to All to save the edits at the header level. 
    For Shipping and Billing Location selection, all Preferred Locations available to the user's current Content Group are displayed. Users whose permission is set to View Only Preferred Locations will see only Preferred Locations available to their content group. When this permission is not set, the user will also see locations available to their currently selected content group.

    Edit Order Details - Payment Method

    Select Payment Method under Edit Order Details to specify Payment Method and Payment Information on Checkout. 

    BuyerQuest PaymentInfoOnCheckout2V2021Aug17.png

    1. Select Payment Method to Edit the Order Details regarding payment.
    2. Select the Payment Method from the list of Payment Methods available for the Supplier.
    3. Select the Credit Card Details under Payment Information.
    4. Apply to All to save selections. 

    Validation of Accounting Combinations - Invalid Combination on Checkout

    Buying Organization may choose to import Valid Accounting Combinations to be used  to validate accounting information throughout the procurement workflow. When Accounting Combinations are configured to be validated and they are edited to include invalid combinations, those combinations will display in red on the Checkout page.

     BuyerQuest CheckoutInvalidAccounting2019Oct23.png

    An invalid Accounting Combination is shown in red at the line level in this Request. 

    Accounting Information to be Provided for Requests On Behalf of 

    When an Accounting Group is required and the request is on behalf of a user who does not have accounting information specified, the accounting information must be provided before Checkout is able to be completed. 

    BuyerQuest CheckoutAccountingInformationRequired2019Feb5.png

    Changes to Product Availability and Price Displayed on Checkout Page 

    Items at  Checkout may have changes in status, availability, or price between selection and checkout. Changes are reflected in the Checkout page and buyers are notified of changes.

    Product is No Longer Available

    When a product becomes unavailable after being Added to Cart, the Item is removed from Checkout and the page provides a warning that the Item is no longer available. The item SKU is provided for reference.

    BuyerQuest CheckoutItemUnavailable2018Nov26.png

    Product Price Has Changed

    When the price of a product changes between selection and checkout, the Checkout page displays a notice that the price has been adjusted, citing the item SKU. 

    BuyerQuest CheckoutItemPriceAdjustment2018Nov26.png

    Shopping Cart Rule Message on Checkout 

    Shopping Cart Rules may be created and configured to enforce certain conditions on items in a Shopping Cart, such as requiring a minimum order amount from a Supplier.

    When a Rule is triggered,  the Shopping Cart Rule Message displays on Checkout.  The message is also displayed on Collaborative Carts and when a cart is updated. 

    See the Documentation Topic: 

    Shopping Cart Rules Management

    The rule displays as a warning (accompanied by a yellow triangle) when the Rule is set to Allow Cart Submission when the Rule is triggered. 

    BuyerQuest CheckoutSupplierMinimumMessage2019Feb21.png

    The rule displays as an error (accompanied by a red circle) when the Rule is not set to Allow Cart Submission when the Rule is triggered.  

    BuyerQuest ErrorShoppingCartRule2019Feb21.png

    View Checkout and Ordering Instructions 

    Your organization may set up special instructions for users in specific Content Groups for ordering and checkout. These instructions are displayed at the top of the Checkout page and are maintained by an Administrator through the Admin Control Panel. These instructions display subject to Content Group membership. 

    BuyerQuest CheckoutOrderingInstructionsCheckoutPage2018Feb22.png

    1. Checkout Instructions 
    2. Ordering Instructions 

    Each of these instruction sets is set up by an administrator to display for users in selected Content Groups.

    Submit Request

    Click on Submit Request to complete the process of creating a Request

    You will see a message Confirmation for your Request

    BuyerQuest Request Confirmation

    At the confirmation page, you can:

    Global Request Search Permission 

    Users who have global search permissions for requests may review requests for which they are not the requestor or owner. 

    Additionally, users with global search permissions for requests may perform the following actions on such requests when additional permissions are enabled:

    • Edit Request is permitted when the permission Edit Request after Withdrawal or Denial is enabled.
    • Change Request is permitted when the permission Edit Request during Approval is enabled.
    • A Request may be Withdrawn when the permission Withdraw Request is enabled
    • Reorder Items in a Request is permitted when Reorder Request is enabled. 

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