Create and Manage Collaborative Carts and Groups
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    Create and Manage Collaborative Carts and Groups

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    Article summary

    An important Marketplace feature, Collaborative Carts allow colleagues to shop as a group for items or sets of items needed by the group. Shopping for a Collaboration Group is available from the Shopping Cart page. Manage Collaborative Carts from MY ACCOUNT in the Main Menu.

    Video - Collaborative Cart Overview

    Watch the video below for an overview of the advantages of group purchasing using collaborative carts.

    Create a Collaborative Cart 

    You can create and share a shopping cart with co-workers to shop as a group. To avoid duplicative ordering and gain efficiencies in shopping, use a Collaborative Cart that is viewable and accessible by the members of a Collaboration Group that you define. 

    The Collaboration Group you define is available from MY ACCOUNT in the Main Menu and from the Shopping Cart for your shopping activities into the future.  

    To create a Collaborative Cart, click on Create Collaborative Cart from any Shopping Cart.

    BuyerQuest Create Collaborative Cart

    Create the Collaborative Cart by naming the cart and assigning a group to share it. 

    BuyerQuest Name Collaborative Cart

    1. Enter a Cart Name.
    2. Select a Collaboration Group from the list of existing groups or create a new Collaboration Group by adding a Group Name and Adding Group Members.
    3. Share Cart to save the Cart and the Group Members associated with it.  

    The Collaboration Group you define is available from MY ACCOUNT in the Main Menu and from the Shopping Cart until it's deleted. 

    Create a Collaboration Group

    You can also create a new Collaboration Group from MY ACCOUNT in the Main Menu.

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Create Collaboration Group

    1. Enter a name for the new Collaboration Group.
    2. To Add Group Members, click in the box and select the names of coworkers to add to the new Collaboration Group.
    3. Save Group

    Shop for a Collaboration Group

    When you are shopping for a Collaboration Group, you can Continue Shopping, adjust items in a cart, or Checkout a Collaborative Cart. 

    BuyerQuest Collaborative SH

    1. You can reference the cart you're shopping from and Return to Your Personal Cart from the information message at the top of the page.
    2. Add more items to the current Collaborative Cart by clicking on Continue Shopping.
    3. When you are finished shopping, you can Proceed to Checkout
    4. Change an item Quantity using the QTY box.
    5. Edit an item.
    6. Delete an item. 
    7. To save the set of items to reorder at a later date, you can save the Collaborative Cart as a Saved Shopping List.
    8. You can clear all the items from the cart and start over with your shopping by clicking on Clear Cart

    Shopping Cart Rule Message on Checkout of Collaborative Cart

    Shopping Cart Rules may be created and configured to enforce certain conditions on items in a Shopping Cart, such as requiring a minimum order amount from a Supplier.

    When a Rule is triggered,  the Shopping Cart Rule Message displays on Checkout for all Carts, including  Collaborative Carts and also when a cart is updated. 

    See the Documentation Topic: 

    Shopping Cart Rules Management

    The rule displays as a warning (accompanied by a yellow triangle) when the Rule is set to Allow Cart Submission when the Rule is triggered. 

    BuyerQuest CheckoutSupplierMinimumMessage2019Feb21.png

    The rule displays as an error (accompanied by a red circle) when the Rule is not set to Allow Cart Submission when the Rule is triggered.  

    BuyerQuest ErrorShoppingCartRule2019Feb21.png

    Manage Collaborative Carts

    Manage Collaborative Carts assigned to your Collaboration Groups from MY ACCOUNT in the Main Menu

    BuyerQuest Marketplace My Account Collaborative Cart

    You can View Details of a Cart, Shop for Group, or Delete a Cart by clicking on the More Options button BuyerQuest Marketplace More Options Button displayed in the far right Actions column. 

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Collaborative Cart Edit

    Delete a Collaborative Cart

    To Delete an entire cart and remove access to the cart for all group members, click on Delete in the Actions on the Collaborative Carts page.

    You will be asked to Confirm the Deletion.

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Delete Collaborative Cart

    Once the Collaborative Cart is deleted, it's permanently unavailable to all the Collaboration Group members.

    Manage Collaboration Groups

    You can Create a new Collaboration Group, Edit a Group, or Leave a Collaboration Group from the Collaborative Carts page, accessible from Main Menu > MY ACCOUNT > Collaborative Carts.

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Manage Collaborative Carts

    1. To Edit a Group, click on Edit.
    2. Change a Group Name using the Group Name box.
    3. Add or Delete Group Members as needed. 
    4. Cancel or
    5. Save Group. 

    Topic Update History

    Updated for BuyerQuest 7.6.0, released October 31, 2017.

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