Create Invoice and Invoices Grid
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    Create Invoice and Invoices Grid

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    Article summary

    Invoices are typically sent by suppliers after a purchase order is partially or completely fulfilled but may also be sent via cXML from the Buying Organization's ERP or as scanned OCR. BuyerQuest users have options to create, validate, and track invoices in a number of ways.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Accounts Payable Dashboard

    Reconcile Invoices and Handle Exceptions

    Invoice Email Notifications

    Pay Invoices

    Create, View, and Edit Credit Memos

    Credit Memo Grid and Details


    Accounts payable personnel are typically granted access to the functionality described here for creating invoices.
    They are provided access through the Admin Control Panel.

    The BuyerQuest system may also be configured to accept transmission of non-PO Based Invoices in cXML and cXML OCR scanned invoices. 

    All line items in a non-PO based Invoice are considered non-catalog items.

    Invoice-related Permissions

    Users with Global Invoice Search enabled may view Invoices, Exceptions, and Purchase Orders. 

    Specific additional permissions allow further actions for Users with Global Invoice Search enabled: 

    • Create PO Flip Invoice

    • Create non-PO Invoice

    • Create Invoice from an Imported Purchase Order 

    • Create Invoice Credit Memo 

    • Update Invoice Status to Paid

    Create Invoice

    Create and access Invoices from the Invoices Grid, accessible at Menu > My Documents > Payables > Invoices or from the Accounts Payable Dashboard, as shown here.  

    Both PO and Non-PO Invoices may be created from the Accounts Payable Dashboard.

    1. Click on Create PO Invoice to open a grid showing the eligible POs from which to create an invoice; or

    2. Enter a PO number to create an Invoice from a specific Purchase Order. 

    3. Users with permissions allowing creation of Non-PO invoices, clicking on that option opens the Create Non-PO Invoice page. 

    Invoice Grid

    The Invoice Grid displays Invoices created within the BuyerQuest system.
    The grid also includes non-PO based Invoices, Multiple PO-based Invoices, and OCR scanned Invoices  - all imported in cXML format.

    Access and View Invoices from the Invoice Grid to 

    1. Search by Invoice, Purchase Order #, or ERP Purchase Order #. 

    2. Use the Filters to locate an Invoice.

    3. View a list from which you can Create a PO-Based or Non-PO Based Invoice.

    4. Note that the BuyerQuest system accommodates the transmission of non-PO based Invoices in cXML.
      ACTIONS available for Invoices are dependent on permissions and status. 

    5. For example, an Invoice in OK to Pay Status allows specific ACTIONS: View Invoice, Create Credit Memo, Update Status to Paid, and Deny.

    Imported Multiple PO-Based cXML Invoices 

    The BuyerQuest system is able to process cXML Invoices referencing multiple Purchase Orders.

    For each Purchase Order referenced in the cXML file, an Invoice is created. 

    When multiple Invoices are created, the system assigns a Supplier Invoice Number using the Supplier Invoice Number provided in the cXML file.  The system adds numeric references for the number of Purchase Orders referenced in the cXML Invoice and the sequence of the BQ system Supplier Invoice in the referenced group of invoices. 

    For Example, an Invoice that includes <InvoiceDetailRequestHeader InvoiceID="34345345" > and references 5 Purchase Orders, the BuyerQuest system Supplier Invoice Numbers are: 

    • 34345345-1/5 for the first Invoice created from the cXML file;

    • 34345345-2/5 for the second Invoice created from the cXML file; and so on.

    Invoice Header from Imported Multiple PO-Based cXML Invoice

    1. The Supplier Invoice Number ends in -2/2, denoting that this Invoice is the second of 2 created from the imported cXML Invoice file.  

    2. A Multi PO-Based invoice is indicated in the Invoice Type, Submission Method, and Created By fields.
      All Invoices created from an imported cXML Invoice file will display:
      Invoice Type: Multi PO Based
      Submission Method: cXML
      Created By: System 

    Create PO-Based Invoice from Invoice Grid

    Create a PO-based Invoice from the Invoice Grid after clicking on Create PO  Invoice

    You will see a list of eligible POs you can select from to create an invoice against.

    You can locate invoices and take actions from this list of POs:

    1. Search by Purchase Order or Request Number.  

    2. Set and apply Filters to target a specific PO.

    3. Create Invoice or Credit Memo or View Purchase Order.

    Create Invoice from a Purchase Order 

    You can also create an Invoice from a Purchase Order - known as "flipping a PO" - from the Purchase Order grid.

    Access MY DOCUMENTS > Purchase Orders from the Main Menu. 

    1. Search over the list of available POs by Purchase Order or Request Number.

    2. Set and apply Filters to target a specific PO.

    3. Access the ACTIONS menu for a PO to flip and Create Invoice.

    Create Non PO-based Invoice

    Properly permissioned users may create non PO-based Invoices from the Invoices Grid. 

    Non PO-based Invoice - Invoice Information

    Green highlighted information is provided by the system.

    Orange highlighted information is added from the Supplier record, after the Supplier is specified.

    1. Specify the Supplier -- the orange highlighted fields are populated from the Supplier Record.

    2. Enter the Supplier Invoice Number.

    3. Select the Invoice Date.

    4. Select Payment Terms.

    5. Preferred Currency is populated from the Supplier Record. If this field is not populated in the Supplier Record, the User's Preferred Currency is used.

    6. Specify the Due Date for the Invoice.

    7. Continue to specify  Line Items as shown below.

    1. Enter SKU, MPN, or product name to locate a product to add to the Invoice.

    2. Add non-catalog item, if needed.

    3. Continue

    Invoice Line Details, Taxes and Shipping, and Accounting Combinations may be specified and edited as shown in the section below, along with Invoice Submission.

    Create PO-based Invoice and Submit 

    The straightforward method of creating an invoice is directly from a Purchase Order

    Specific information is defaulted from the Purchase Order when the Invoice is created, minimizing data entry errors.

    Supplier, Invoice Type, Order #, ERP PO # (when applicable), Requestor, Supplier Tax ID, Buyer Tax ID and Preferred Currency cannot be edited.

    Remit To and Ship From can be changed. 

    1. Provide the Supplier Invoice #. When provided, the system validates the supplier invoice to ensure that it is not a duplicate. 

    2. Accept the default or reset the Invoice Date

    3. Select Payment Terms

    4. Set a Due Date.

    5. Accept or reset Ship From.

    6. Edit Line Item Details, if needed. Details are described in the section Edit Invoice Line Items.

    7. Suppliers may Add Taxes and Shipping.

    8. Edit Accounting information, if needed. Details are described in the section Edit Accounting Combination

    9. Additional Information can be attached at the header or line level. 

    10. Provide Comments, if needed.

    11. Submit.

    Edit Invoice Line Items 

    To add items or change item quantities, use Edit Line Items on the Create Invoice page. 

    1. If needed, change the quantity in the QTY box. 

    2. When quantities are changed, Price is updated, along with SubTotal.

    3. If needed, add a Catalog Item or

    4. Add a non-catalog item.


      Bundle Products may not be added to Invoices.

      When an attempt is made to add the SKU for a Bundle, this error displays, "Not a valid SKU or part number." 

    5. Return to Review to continue with review and updates to specific areas of the Invoice.


    Edits to line items in the Invoice do not update the original Request.
     Out of Stock items may not be added to Invoices.

    Edit Accounting Combination

    To review and edit accounting details at the header or line item level, use Edit Accounting Combination

    All Accounting is edited at the Line Item Level. 

    1. Select a different accounting combination for each line needing an edit. 

    2. You may also Edit or Split the displayed Accounting Combination.


      Accounting Allocation percentages allow for two decimal places.


      If the system has been configured to Validate Accounting Combinations, Accounting Groups configured to be validated that include invalid accounting values will trigger errors shown in red.

    3. To save your edits, click Apply.

    Add or Edit Taxes and Shipping on an Invoice

    Both PO-based and Non PO-based Invoice creation allows for adding and editing Taxes and Shipping for all lines or for each line individually.

    BuyerQuest supports discounts and shipping, handling, and usage taxes, in addition to Canadian taxes. 

    1. Click on ADD TAXES AND SHIPPING to select tax types for the entire invoice or for individual line items.

    2. Click Edit Each Line Individually to specify taxes at the line level.

    3. 8 different tax types are available to apply to the invoice or line item. Click on each type to list and then specify each tax amount for the selected tax types.

    4. Apply after taxes have been specified. The Invoice will update and display with the total including the tax amounts specified. 

    Taxes and Shipping at the Invoice Line Level

    Clicking on Edit Each Line Individually allows tax and shipping to be specified for individual items.

    1. Select Taxes and Discounts to add by clicking on the selection boxes.

    2. Enter Tax and Shipping amounts for selections.

    3. Header-level amounts will be overwritten if amounts are specified in the boxes displaying "See Header".

    4. Apply to save tax amounts.  The Invoice will update and display with the total including the tax amounts specified. 

    Specifications for Invoice Attachments

    Invoice Attachments can be configured for applicability and audience visibility.

    1. Choose whether the attachment is applicable to All Lines or to a specific single line.

    2. Choose whether the attachment is Internal Only or also Visible to Suppliers

    3. Remove the attachment by clicking on the X.

    View Invoice - Reconciliation Needed

    View an Invoice or Save or Print as PDF  from the Invoice Details page, accessible from the Invoice Grid.

    Click on "I want to..." to Save as PDF to download for storage or printing. 

    View Invoice - Pending Approval 

    Invoices Pending Approval may be Denied, Approved, or Edited, when permissions allow.

    BuyerQuest InvoicePendingApproval2022Jan17.png

    Edit Invoice and Add Approver

    Editing an Invoice allows Approvers to be added, when permissions allow.

    BuyerQuest InvoiceApprovalChainAddApprover2020Jun18.png

    Click on the plus sign in the Approval Chain to specify the Approver to Add:

    BuyerQuest InvoiceAddApprover2020Jun18.png

    1. Use the search/select box to locate the additional Approver

    2. Note that Additional Approvers must be in the same Content Group as the Approver making the addition.

    3. Provide a Reason for Adding the Approver.

    4. Add; or

    5. Cancel. 

    Approvers who are added have the Invoice placed in their Approval queue, and the Invoice can be accessed in Approve Invoices in the main menu. They also receive an email notification that the Invoice requires their Approval. 

    The Invoice History is also updated with the new Approver information. 

    View and Deny OK2Pay Invoice

    When an Invoice is fully approved and any exceptions have been cleared, it has reached OK to Pay Status.

    An Invoice in OK to Pay Status may be denied from the Invoice Grid or on the Invoice Details page, separately from any Deny actions from the Reconciler or Approver. 

    Deny Invoice from Invoices Grid

    An Invoice in OK to Pay status may be denied from the Invoices Grid. 

    BuyerQuest DenyInvoiceFromGrid2021Nov23.png

    Deny Invoice from Invoice Details Page

    An Invoice in OK to Pay status may be denied when a permissioned user is viewing the Invoice Details page. 

    The user may also provide a reason for the denial. 

    BuyerQuest DenyInvoiceViewDetails2021Nov23.png

    Reason May be Provided for Invoice Denial 

    The user denying the invoice may provide a reason for the denial when the denial is made from a reconciliation or approval or from the Invoices Grid or Details page.

    The reason is included in the Email Notifications sent regarding the Invoice Denial and is also available from the Invoice History for future reference. 

    BuyerQuest InvoiceDenyReason2021Nov24.png

    Reopen Denied Invoice

    Invoices that have been Denied may be reopened by a properly permissioned user from either the Invoices Grid or the Invoice Details page.

    1. Use the dropdown "I want to ..." to Reopen the Invoice. 

    2. The History section lists all the actions and updates that moved the Invoice through the workflow.

    View Paid Invoice

    When an Invoice is paid, its Status changes from OK2Pay or Partially Paid to Paid.

    BuyerQuest PaidInvoice2v2021Nov23.png

    1. For Payment via BQPay, the Payment Records section displays the Check # and the Date the Check was Issued, along with the Transaction ID, Payment Method, Status, and Net Amount.
      For Payment via Credit Card, Credit Card Details display: Transaction ID, the last 4 digits of the Credit Card, Expiration Date, Name on Card, and Billing Address. 

    2. The Approval Chain shows the completed Approvals.

    3. The History section lists all the actions and updates that moved the Invoice through the workflow.

    4. History entry reporting the Status update from OK to Pay to Paid.

    5. History entry reporting the Status update from Pending Approval to OK to Pay after the approvals were completed.

    6. History entry reporting the manual clearance of an exception.

    7. History entry reporting the auto clearance of an exception. 

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