Edit a Request
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    Edit a Request

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    Article summary

    Approvers can edit requests as part of the review and approval workflow. Requestors may also edit requests after withdrawal or refusal.

    See Documentation Topics:

    General Configuration - Edit Request Approval Rule Conditions


    A Request can be edited in two different scenarios:

    1. By an approver during the approval process; or
    2. After a request is denied or withdrawn by the requestor.  

    Edit a Request During Approval

    Approvers can edit requests during the review and approval workflow.

    Approval Rules may be retriggered during an Edit, depending on configuration of the conditions for retriggering.

    Users with Global Request Search Permission may view Requests during Approval

    Access an Approval from MY DOCUMENTS > Approvals and choose a request to view.

    BuyerQuest EditRequestHeader2020Nov20.png

    Typical Request Edits 

    Certain approvers, depending upon their permissions, have the ability to edit requests while approving.

    Users with Global Request Search Permission may edit Requests in Denied or Withdrawn Status from the Request Grid or the Request Details Page. 

    Typically, purchasing managers or agents in the approval chain have the ability to edit the request in order to find the right supplier, price, or quantity and, in general, source the request as appropriate.

    They also have the ability to add or remove items to the request or modify the approval flow.

    When an item is added, any products linked to it are also added. Added items needing configuration will display required options that must be configured. 

    If the request is edited, the approvals required are recomputed based on the configured rules.

    BuyerQuest EditRequestDetails2021Mar31.png

    Permissions allowing, an approver may perform the following edits.

    Please note
    Shipping, Billing, Currency, Supplier, and Item Type cannot be edited if the Request has already generated Purchase Orders.
    1. Shipping may be assigned at the Header or Line Level and may be changed when a Request is edited if the Request has no Purchase Orders generated from it. Check the box to assign Header Level Shipping.
    2. Billing may be assigned at the Header or Line Level and may be changed if the Request has no Purchase Orders generated from it. To assign at the Line Level, uncheck the box that assigns it at Header Level.
      for Shipping and Billing Locations, all Preferred Locations available to the user's current Content Group are available for selection.
    3. Line items may be deleted.
    4. Edit User- or Product-based Accounting at the Line Level.
      Allocation percentages allow for two decimal places when split.
      If the system has been configured to Validate Accounting Combinations, Accounting Groups configured to be validated that include invalid accounting values will trigger errors shown in red.
    5. Add a Comment to the Supplier.
    6. Assign Line-level Billing using Search/select for available Billing locations if the Request has no Purchase Orders generated from it. 
      Changes to the Billing location will be reflected in the Request History after they are saved. 
    7. Add an Attachment.
    8. Add a catalog or non-catalog item.
      Bundle Products may not be added with an Edit of a Request.
      When an attempt is made to add a SKU for a Bundle to a Request during editing, an error displays, "Not a valid SKU or part number."
      Individual items from Bundles may be added during an Edit using their own individual SKU values. 
    9. Continue (save changes and navigate to further areas to review and make further edits).

    Add a catalog item

    When an Approver chooses to add a catalog item, the additional Catalog Items may be entered manually.

    A Quick Order template is also available to use to populate and upload a list of catalog SKUs and quantities. 

    BuyerQuest EditRequestAddItemsQuickOrder2022Jan20.png

    1. SKUs may be populated manually or via an upload of a list using the template available for download. 
    2. Quantity may be specified manually or via the uploaded file.
    3. A blank template is available for use to populate SKUs and quantities.
    4. Click to select and add the file that lists the SKUs and quantities to be added to the Request. 
    5. Upload the file. The SKU and QTY fields will be populated from the uploaded file.
    6. Total price for the added items is available for review.
    7. Add Catalog Items to add the items to the Request. 

    Add a Non Catalog Item

    BuyerQuest AddNonCatalogtoRequest2021May18.png

    1. Choose Product or Service for the non catalog item.
    2. Enter a SKU.
    3. Provide an Item Name and an optional Description.
    4. Specify the Supplier.
    5. Specify the optional UNSPSC.
    6. Specify Quantity and Unit of Measure.
    7. Specify Price.
    8. Save and Add Another Item or Save

    The Request will be updated and include the added item when Saved. 

    Add Approvers, Watchers, Attachments, Comments to the Request

    Further changes allow properly permissioned users to manually add Approvers to a Request.
    Manually added approvers are added to the end of the approval chain when the re-trigger rules are fired for the request.

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    1. Add Approver by clicking on the + in the approval chain
    2. Note the rules regarding placement and repositioning of manually added Approvers.
    3. Use the Search/Select box to identify an Approver to add.
    4. Add Watchers. 
    5. Add Attachments.
    6. Add Comments.
    7. Submit. 

    Reposition Manually Added Approvers on Approval Chain

    BuyerQuest ApprovalChain2020Nov5.png

    1. Use the left and right arrows to reposition the additional approver in the approval chain.
    2. Approvers may be removed using the X in the top right corner. 

    Warning for Invalid Accounting Combination on Edit Request

    Buying organizations may configure their systems to validate accounting combinations that they have imported.

    When a system is configured to validate accounting, the line item accounting values edited in a Request are validated.

    Warnings will display for invalid Accounting Combinations.

    BuyerQuest EditRequestInvalidAccounting2019Oct29.jpg

    Configuration Required to Add Products with Custom Options

    Approvers who add a configurable item during the Edit of a Request must first configure the item before it can be added to the Request.

    BuyerQuest ConfigureItemEditRequest2018May23.png

    Configure Product with Custom Options 

    Use the Configuration window to set the configuration for a product with custom options.

    BuyerQuest ConfigureProductEditRequest2018May25.png

    1. Set all Configuration Options marked as required, as shown by the red asterisk.
    2. Use the vertical scroll bar to navigate through all the Configuration Options.
    3. When finished, Set Configuration.  

    The status of the product changes to display a green check mark, and Add Catalog Items allows the product to be added to the Request


    Edit a Request After Denial / Withdrawal

    To save users the effort of creating a new request after a previous one is denied or withdrawn, BuyerQuest provides the ability to edit the same Request.

    Users with Global Request Search Permission and permission to Edit Request after Withdrawal or Denial may Edit a Request that has been Denied or Withdrawn

    Initiate an Edit Request in the Requests Grid

    Access the Requests Grid in the Admin Control Panel at My Documents > Requests.

    BuyerQuest EditWithdrawnRequest2018Nov09.png

    1. Click in the Actions column of a withdrawn or refused request that needs to be edited and select Edit Request.

    Initiate an Edit Request from a Request

    Requests that are in Denied or Withdrawn status may be edited by users with the proper permissions. 

    BuyerQuest EditRequest2018Nov09.png

    1. Another way to initiate an Edit Request is to click on 'I want to...' and select 'Edit Request' in the Request details page.

    Make Changes to Request

    A Request may be changed after approval by approvers with the proper permissions.

    Users with Global Request Search Permission and the permission Edit Request may exercise their permission to Change a Request

    BuyerQuest Change Request

    Make the necessary changes to the request and click on Continue and review the changes before submitting the request.

    Submit Changes to the Request

    BuyerQuest Submit Change Request

    Review the changes that were made. It is also possible to add attachments or comments, if applicable. If everything looks satisfactory, click on the Submit button to complete the process.

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