Failed Credit Memos Grid
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    Failed Credit Memos Grid

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    Article summary

    Credit Memos failing validation are available from a grid.

    See Documentation Topics:

    BuyerQuest Document Status and Workflows

    User Permissions (ACL)

    Create, View, and Edit Credit Memos

    Credit Memo Email Notifications

    Invoice Configuration: Invoice Notifications


    The BuyerQuest system may be configured to validate incoming credit memos.  Once validated, a credit memo moves to OK to Pay status and is sent to the buying organization's ERP to be validated for accounting information. 

    When there is an Accounting mismatch or other issue, a validation_failed status is received from the ERP and the status is updated to Failed ERP Validation

    When a cXML credit memo is received with the InvoiceStatus type as "validation_failed", the status of the Invoice is also updated to Failed ERP Validation

    Users configured to receive Failed Invoice/Credit Memo notifications receive Emails alerting them to the Failed ERP Validation of the Credit Memo

    Users with permission for Failed Credit Memos may view and edit Failed Credit Memos from the Failed Credit Memos Grid

    Users with permission for Global Credit Memo Search may view Credit Memos in Failed ERP Validation status in the Credit Memo Grid.  

    Failed Credit Memos Grid 

    Credit Memos in Failed ERP Validation status may be edited by properly permissioned users only via the Failed Credit Memos Grid.


    1. Search by specifying a Credit Memo or Purchase Order number.
    2. Use the filters to locate a specific Credit Memo by Date, Supplier, Ship To, Bill To, Requested By, or Total Amount.
    3. View Credit Memo opens the Credit Memo Details Page. Edit Credit Memo opens the Edit Credit Memo page

    Edit Credit Memo

    Users with permission to Edit Credit Memos may select and Edit a Credit Memo from the Failed Credit Memos Grid.

    Users may have permission to edit line details, taxes and shipping and/or accounting details. 

    Submitting the edits moves the Credit Memo to OK to Pay status. 


    Users may have permissions to edit:

    1. Remit to
    2. Ship From
    3. Line Details, Taxes and Shipping, or Accounting.

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