Failed Invoices Grid and Details
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    Failed Invoices Grid and Details

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    Article summary

    Invoices failing validation are accessible from the Failed Invoices Grid.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Create Invoice and Invoices Grid

    Invoice Emails

    Invoice Configuration: Invoice Notifications

    User Permissions (ACL)

    Document Status and Workflows


    The BuyerQuest system may be configured to validate incoming Invoices.  Once validated, an Invoice moves to OK to Pay status and is sent to the buying organization's ERP to be validated for accounting information. 

    When there is an Accounting mismatch or other issue, a validation_failed status is received from the ERP and the status is updated to Failed ERP Validation

    When a cXML Invoice is received with the InvoiceStatus type as "validation_failed", the status of the Invoice is also updated to Failed ERP Validation

    Properly permissioned users may view and edit Failed Invoices from the Failed Invoices Grid.

    Failed Invoices Grid

    The Failed Invoices Grid offers the same information as the Invoice Reconciliation grid. 

    BuyerQuest FailedInvoicesGrid2020May26.png

    1. Use the Search box to quickly locate a specific Failed Invoice.
    2. Pinpoint a Failed Invoice using the Filters.
    3. Available actions to View or Edit a Failed Invoice are available to properly permissioned users.

    Failed Invoice Details

    Failed Invoice Details show available actions and a full history. 

    BuyerQuest EditFailedInvoice2022Jan20.png

    1. Users may Edit the Invoice or view Related Records.
    2. The Invoice History shows the changes in status.

    Edit Failed Invoice and Submit for OK to Pay

    Users with permission to Edit Invoices may do so. Edits are captured in the invoice history and submission results in the Invoice moving to Ok to Pay status. 

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    BuyerQuest EditFailedInvoice2Pt2020May26.png

    1. Invoice Information in the white boxes may be edited.
    2. Edit Taxes, Shipping, and Accounting Information by clicking on Line Details
      If the system has been configured to Validate Accounting Combinations, Accounting Groups configured to be validated that include invalid accounting values will trigger errors shown in red.
    3. Clicking Submit changes the status of the Invoice from Failed ERP Validation to OK to Pay.

    Invoice Status Change Reflected in History

    After edit and submission, the Invoice History reflects the change in status from Failed ERP Validation to OK to Pay and the Invoice moves from the Failed Invoices Grid to  to the Invoices Grid.

    BuyerQuest InvoiceHistoryUpdate2022Jan20.png

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