Invoice Approval - Post-Reconciliation
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    Invoice Approval - Post-Reconciliation

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    Article summary

    Post-Reconciliation Approval allows the addition or configuration of an approval flow before an invoice is sent for payment (OK2Pay).

    See Documentation Topics:

    Invoice Approval Rule Management
    Accounts Payable Dashboard
    Create Invoice and Invoices Grid
    Reconcile Invoice and Handle Exceptions


    The system triggers the selected Approval flow for Invoices encountering one or more Reconciliation Exceptions and changes the Invoice Status to Pending Approval.

    If the Invoice has Reconciliation Exceptions, its status becomes Pending Reconciliation and after all exceptions are reviewed and resolved, the status returns to Pending Approval.

    If an Approval Workflow is configured, an Invoice always goes through the Approval Workflow regardless of whether there are Reconciliation Exceptions. If no Approval Workflow is configured, the Invoice moves into OK2Pay status.

    Approve Invoices from the Accounts Payables Dashboard

    The Accounts Payable Dashboard is available as a Home Page widget and offers a central hub for invoice creation, approval, reconciliation, and management. The Approve Invoices icon provides quick access into a grid listing the  Invoices pending approval for the user.

    BuyerQuest APDashApproveInvoices2V2019Apr30.png

    Approve Invoices Grid

    Invoices Pending Approval are listed in a grid available from the Accounts Payable Dashboard or the  Main Menu > PAYABLES area for an Invoice Approver. 

    The Invoice Approval Grid may also be configured as a Home Page Widget to be directly viewable and accessible from the Marketplace Home Page.
    See UI Management: Home Page Widgets

    BuyerQuest ApproveInvoicesGrid2019Oct28.jpg

    1. Search by Invoice or Purchase Order Number.
    2. Use the filters at the top of the grid to locate an Invoice. 
    3. View, EditApprove or Deny an Invoice from the ACTIONS menu.

    View and Approve Invoice

    View and Invoice from the grid and Deny, Approve, Edit, or Save as PDF. Properly permissioned users may edit an Invoice during Approval. 

    BuyerQuest ApproveInvoices2022Jan19.png

    Deny Invoice and Provide a Reason

    Approvers may deny an invoice from the Grid or from the Invoice Details Page and provide a reason to be displayed in the History section of the Invoice. 

    BuyerQuest DenyInvoiceWithReason2020Jun11.png

    1. Choose Deny from I want to ....
    2. If desired, provide a reason for denial.
    3. Deny will record the reason for further reference in the Invoice History. 

    Edit Invoice

    All the fields available for editing during the creation of an Invoice are available for editing on the Edit Invoice page for both PO-based and Non-PO-based Invoices

    Any Comment that was added during the creation of an Invoice may be edited. 

    All Validation Rules are respected on the Edit Invoice page.

    BuyerQuest EditInvoice2019Oct28.jpg

    1. Click to Edit Line Details. After editing, click Return to Review to close the Edit Line Details area. 
    2. Additional Information may be included in the form of Attachments or Comments.
    3. Submit the changes to the Invoice. Changes will be listed in the History section.

    Add an Invoice Approver 

    Editing an Invoice allows Approvers to be added, when permissions allow.

    BuyerQuest InvoiceApprovalChainAddApprover2020Jun18.png

    Click on the plus sign in the Approval Chain to specify the Approver to Add:

    BuyerQuest InvoiceAddApprover2020Jun18.png

    1. Use the search/select box to locate the additional Approver
      Note that Additional Approvers must be in the same Content Group as the Approver making the addition.
    2. Provide a Reason for Adding the Approver.
    3. Add; or
    4. Cancel. 

    Approvers who are added have the Invoice placed in their Approval queue, and the Invoice can be accessed in Approve Invoices in the main menu. They also receive an email notification that the Invoice requires their Approval. 

    The Invoice History is also updated with the new Approver information. 

    Video: Editing Invoice and Adding Approver

    Watch the video for details on Invoice Editing and Adding Approvers.

    Approval Workflow Graph in Invoice

    Once Post-Reconciliation Approval Rules for Invoices are set up, and Approval Workflow graph will be displayed at the bottom of the Invoice detail page, as shown below.
    BuyerQuest Approval Rule Workflow Graph

    Retriggering of Invoice Approval Rules after Edit

    After an Invoice is edited and saved during approval, the system evaluates the Invoice against the Invoice Approval rules to determine if any of the rules are triggered. 

    If none are triggered:

    1. The message displays, "The Invoice has been updated and no longer requires your approval."
    2. The Invoice moves to OK2Pay status.

    If Invoice Approval Rules are triggered:

    1. The appropriate notifications are sent to the new approvers. 
    2. The Invoice stays in Pending Approval status. 

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