Manage and View
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    Manage and View

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    Article summary

    You can add items to your cart from any page displaying product or service information, including the customized areas on your Home Page. Marketplace keeps your current shopping cart available for review, checkout, or continued shopping from any location through the Mini Cart feature in the top right of every page.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Create a Request at Checkout

    Order for Multiple Locations

    Shopping Cart Configuration Options

    Mini Cart Always Available

    The Mini Cart icon  and the text SHOPPING CART at the top right hand corner of every page provide easy access to a constantly up-to-date cart.

    To view the contents of your cart for up to 3 items with abbreviated details, click on the Mini Cart icon or SHOPPING CART.

    From the Mini Cart you can: 

    1. View All Items in Cart allows a review all the items in your cart.
    2. Go directly to Checkout.
    3. Access Quick Order, where you can enter SKUs or part numbers to view and select items.
    4. Review your Saved Shopping Lists.
    5. View and manage your Collaborative Carts and Groups, if your configuration allows. 
    6. Note:
      The link icon indicates that the Compressor Warranty is linked to the product listed above it.

    View Product Bundles

    Organizations can select a group of items to collect into a bundle for a specific purpose, such as an orientation kit for new staff. Bundled products display price ranges rather than a single price. When a bundled product is selected, choices must be made to configure the product. The final price is based on the chosen configuration.

    A price range displays for a bundled product before it is configured.

    Configure a product bundle from the Configure button underneath the product details. 

    Configure a Product Bundle to Add to Cart

    Configure a product bundle by choosing required or optional individual items. 

    1. Checkboxes are available for choosing items to include in the bundle.
    2. The Linked Items icon indicates that items linked to an item will be added if the item is included in the bundle.
    3. When an item with a linked item is chosen, a message reports that the LInked Item has been added to the cart, providing the Linked Item's product name, SKU, and price.
    4. The Price is listed as it's currently configure. 
    5. Add to Cart. 

    Custom Options in Bundles

    BuyerQuest allows products with custom options to be included in bundles. Custom options require additional configuration before an item is Added to Cart

    View Linked Products

    A Product may be required to carry an associated mandatory fee for assembly, staging, recycling, or other related purpose, as specified by the buying organization, a supplier, or a regulatory agency. The related mandatory item, is configured as a "Linked Product,"  and is automatically added to a cart with item that requires it. 

    Linked Products are displayed in both the mini cart and the cart and are indicated by the linked product icon .

    Linked Product Displayed in Mini Cart

    Linked Product Displayed in Shopping Cart

    A linked item is shown directly beneath the item it is linked to in the shopping cart. The quantity of the linked item is the same as the quantity of the item it is linked to. 

    Removing an item from the cart also removes the items linked to it. 


    • Linked items associated with items ordered for Multiple Locations will display on the Checkout Review page, but not the Multi-location order page. 
    • Linked items are not saved to Saved Shopping Lists. However, when a saved shopping list is added to a cart, any items linked to the items in the Saved Shopping List are also added to the cart. 
    • When an item is reordered from a Request, Purchase Order, or other listing facilitating reorders,, such as from the Commonly Ordered Items list, the reorder includes the item's linked products as in the original order.

    Multiple Additions of Item to a Cart

    BuyerQuest offers a choice to configure how multiple additions of the same item to the same cart are handled. 

    Administrators can choose to specify whether multiple additions of the same item are added only once to the cart or if they are added as separate line items each time they are added to the cart.

    See the Documentation Topic: 
    Shopping Cart Configuration Options

    Multi Location Order Quantity Reflected in Shopping Cart

    Items may be ordered for multiple locations in a single request. Quantities and Locations are specified during Checkout, using EDIT ORDER DETAILS  and choosing Multi Location Order. After these specifications are made, the Shopping Cart reflects the total quantity specified at Checkout for a Multi Location Order.

    1. The  total Quantity of a Multi location order is shown on the Shopping Cart page after it has been specified at Checkout. 
    2. Proceed to Checkout to review and adjust quantities. 

    Review Your Cart

    At any time as you shop, you can expand the Mini Cart and review items and in your Shopping Cart before you Proceed to Checkout

    To review the items in your cart, click on View All Items in Cart.

    Features and actions that can be taken while you are reviewing your Shopping Cart include:

    1. Continue Shopping to return to your Home Page to use Shop by Supplier or Shop by Category in PRODUCTS & SERVICES, or to use any of your customized areas such as Saved Shopping Lists, or Saved Searches
    2. Assign Cart if your workflow requires an Approver to Checkout or Transfer the Cart
    3. Proceed to Checkout to check out to create a Request for review by an Approver.
      If you are a PunchOut customer, Proceed to Checkout is not an available option. 
    4. Create Collaborative Cart. 
      See Create and Manage Collaborative Carts and Groups.
    5. Change the Quantity of an item.
    6. Note the Budget Status icon next to a line item, shown when your organization has implemented budget management and a budget matches the accounting combination assigned to a line item.
      See the topics: Manage Budgets, Display Budgets in Marketplace, and Manage Accounting Groups and Values for more information on budget management.  
    7. Save to List to save the cart as a new or existing Shopping List. 
      See the topic: Saved Shopping Lists.
    8.  Edit and view product details.
    9. Remove an item from your cart.
      Note: Removing an item is final and is not accompanied by a warning or confirmation message. 
    10. Clear all items from the Cart.
    11. For organizations implementing budget management in BuyerQuest along with the GoodData business intelligence module, budget information is available for viewing from the shopping cart with the button View Budget Information in Cart.
    12. When enabled, available budget information displays for reference before Checkout or Assignment of Cart

    Display of Budget Icons in Cart

    For organizations implementing budgets within the BuyerQuest application, spend is tracked against budgets defined by Accounting Combinations. When a site is configured to display budgets in the site's Global Configuration, budget icons display for line items matching an Accounting Combination -- either as defaulted (for the user or the item) or specified accounting values.

    System logic evaluates the cost of the line item against the amount spent, total budget, and amount pending amounts for the current period and displays a budget status icon next to the line item in the Shopping Cart indicating whether the items are In Budget, Over Budget, or not associated with a budget. The calculation used to determine the remaining budget amount and associated status is:   Remaining Budget = Total Budget - (Spent Budget + Pending Budget + sub-total of line items.

    Budget Status Icons and Descriptions

    In Budget: When the subtotal of all the line items with the same budget does not cause the budget to be exceeded, the green In Budget icon displays. Hovering over the green In Budget icon displays a message regarding the budget name and remaining amount in the budget. 

    Over Budget: When the subtotal of all the line items with the same budget causes the budget to be exceeded, the orange Over Budget icon displays. Hovering over the orange Over Budget icon displays a message detailing the overage amount and the budget name. 

    Budget Not Available: When the Accounting Combination attached to a line item is not associated with a budget, the gray Budget Not Available icon displays. Hovering over the gray Budget Not Available icon displays a message stating that a budget is not available for the specific Accounting Combination

    Budget status icons display for information purposes only.  All transactions are allowed to continue regardless of budget status.

    Budgets with Split Accounting

    The budget functionality supports split accounting for line items. The line item amount is divided by the allocation percentage of the split, and the corresponding value is charged against the budget. If a user is configured with default split accounting, a single budget icon is displayed based on the following criteria.

    Budget Not Available: If the line item contains one or more split Accounting Combinations that do not resolve to a budget, the gray Budget Not Available icon displays.

    Over Budget: If the line item contains one or more split Accounting Combinations that are over budget, the orange Over Budget icon displays.

    In Budget: If the line item contains only split Accounting Combinations that are all within budget, the green In Budget icon displays.

    Budget Evaluation Details during Checkout

    When you update the Accounting Combination or Commodity Group during Checkout, the budget calculation and icon display logic is reevaluated and the display is updated accordingly. 

    Note: Budget evaluation on the Shopping Cart and the Checkout pages are user independent. That is, another user who has items in another cart/checkout page at the same time is not factored into the budget calculation.

    Edit and Update an Item in a Cart

    You can view product details, including product images, compare or delete an item, or change an item quantity for individual items.

    When Budgets are enabled, Budget information is provided for each line item.

    To Edit, click on Edit underneath the item description, SKU, and Supplier name.

    1. Enlarge the product image.
    2. Change the Quantity for the item.
    3. Update the Cart after making a change.
    4. Provide a Review of the product.
    5. Create a New Saved Shopping List. 
    6. Add the item to the Compare list. 
    7. View Additional Information, as available.

    Product Status, Availability, or Price Changes Reflected in Shopping Cart

    Items in a shopping cart may have changes in status, availability, or price between selection and checkout. Changes are reflected in the Shopping Cart and buyers are notified of changes.

    Product is no Longer Available 

    When a product becomes unavailable after being Added to Cart, the Item is removed from the Shopping Cart and the page provides a warning that the Item is no longer available. The item SKU is provided for reference.

    Product Price has Changed

    When the price of a product changes between selection and checkout, the Shopping Cart page displays a notice that the price has been adjusted, citing the item SKU.

    Shopping Cart - Custom Instructions Displayed in Static Blocks

    Instructions to buyers can be added to Static Content Blocks to display custom instructions on the Shopping Cart page.
     Examples of use are: specifications for delivery terms to communicate to suppliers;or guidelines for including accounting information. 

    Two static blocks are available for configuration -- one each at the top and bottom of the Shopping Cart page: Shopping Cart Top Block and Shopping Cart Bottom Block. These blocks are listed and accessible in the Manage Static Blocks grid.  

    1. Instruction displaying from the Shopping Cart Top Block.
    2. Instruction displaying from the Shopping Cart Bottom Block.

    See the Documentation Topic:

    Content Management (CMS) Static Blocks

    Add Items to Cart

    When you are reviewing your cart, you can add items by clicking on Continue Shopping, which returns you to your Home Page, where you can access your customized shopping areas, Quick Order, Shop by Supplier, Shop by Category, and Search

    The Mini Cart status in the top right corner will update with any additions or deletions to your cart. 

    Save Item to a Shopping List

    You can Save any Item to a new or existing Shopping List from its detail page.

    1. Click on Saved Shopping Lists.
    2. Create a new Shopping List by typing a name and clicking on the plus + sign.
    3. Add the new item to an existing list by clicking on a list name.

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