Manage RFQs
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    Manage RFQs

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    Article summary

    Manage your RFQs and supplier responses in the RFQ Grid available in MY DOCUMENTS.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Complete and Submit a Request for Quote (RFQ) and the Video: RFQ Overview

    RFQ and Quotes in Supplier Network Overview 


    RFQs are reviewed and managed in the RFQ grid available from the Main Menu. 

    Access RFQs and Supplier Responses in the RFQ Grid

    View RFQs, their status, and responses from Requests for Quotes (RFQs) in the Main Menu

    BuyerQuest RFQGrid2018Nov09.png

    Review, Edit, or Cancel an RFQ

    The RFQ grid allows you to view and perform actions on the RFQ.

    BuyerQuest RFQGrid3V2018Nov09.png

    1. Search the grid by RFQ Title or Number
    2. Use the Filters to locate a specific RFQ. 
    3. The Responses column allows the User to view the number of supplier quotes that have been  received in response to the RFQ.
    4. There are four possible status options for an RFQ:  
      • Open - The RFQ starts in an Open status
      • Completed - The RFQ moves from Open to Completed status when a RFQ Quote is accepted by the User.
      • Expired - The RFQ moves from an Open to Expired status when the RFQ has passed its Deadline date.
      • Canceled - The RFQ moves from an Open to Canceled status when the User Cancels the RFQ.
    5. By Clicking the Actions menu the user can View, Edit or Cancel an open RFQ.
      Available Actions to take are dependent on the status of the RFQ.
    6. The Collaboration Icon BuyerQuest CollaborationIconRFQGrid2018Nov09.png shown to the right of any RFQ indicates that a Collaboration Group created the RFQ. All the members of a Collaboration Group may view, edit, or cancel the RFQ or accept or reject a response to it.

    View RFQ Details

    Review details or take action on the RFQ from the RFQ details page.

    BuyerQuest RFQDetails2022Jan14.png

    1. View RFQ Details to reference Deadline, Need By, Title and Status.
    2. Creator Info displays the name and email of the buyer.
    3. Supplierslists all the suppliers to whom the RFQ has been sent. Next to each supplier is the Supplier Response for the RFQ.
      • No Response - The supplier has neither accepted nor declined the RFQ.
      • Invite Accepted - The supplier has accepted the RFQ but has not created a Quote for it.
      • X Response(s) Available - The supplier has created a Quote in response to the RFQ. X represents the number of quotes created.
      • Invite Declined - The supplier has declined the RFQ.
    4. The Quotes section displays all the quotes created in response to the RFQ. Clicking into any of the Quotes takes the User to the quotes detail page (Discussed under Quotes menu).
    5. Actions on the RFQ can be performed by selecting options under I want to ...
    6. View Attachments that have been added to the RFQ.
    7. View Comments from internal and external users. Internal comments are not visible to suppliers viewing the RFQ Details.
      External comments are available to all who view the RFQ.
      Submitting a comment sends an email to all the collaborators on the RFQ. 
    8. View History.

    Actions for RFQ

    BuyerQuest ActionsforRFQ2018Nov21.png

    Actions available:

    1. For Open Status - Edit and Cancel are the available actions.
      Edit allows the User to update select fields in the RFQ and resubmit the RFQ.
      Cancel cancels the RFQ and all quotes associated to it
    2. Expired - Reopen. Allows the user to reopen and extend the RFQ Deadline date.


    The following Email notifications are sent to Suppliers from the User

    • When a User Submits a RFQ
    • When a User Cancels a RFQ
    • When a User Reopens an Expired RFQ and extends the RFQ deadline

    The following Email notifications are sent to the User from the Supplier

    • When a Supplier creates a quote in response to the RFQ.

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