Manage Users in Marketplace
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    Manage Users in Marketplace

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    Article summary

    Users who have been given permission to manage other users may register and edit other users at their site or in their Content Group. Users with permissions can view and edit all the user accounts in their Content Group.


    User registration and management is available from the Main Menu in Marketplace.

    For the details on the permission to edit users, see the documentation topic: User Permissions (ACL).

    User Management from the Admin Control Panel, see the topic User Management

    The configuration that defines by which Content group the users are managed on the grid Manage Users Configuration

    Manage Users in Marketplace 

    User management in Marketplace is available in the Main Menu.

    BuyerQuest Manage Users Main Menu

    Manage Users Grid

    After a User has been registered, the details available to be viewed and managed are displayed in the Manage Users grid. The list of users is defaulted to display 100 entries per page. 

    The Grid displays all the Users that:

    1. Have Primary Content Group = Active Content Group of the current User
    2. Have one of Additional Content Groups = Active Content Group of the current User


    1. To find a specific user, enter terms into the Search box.
    2. To change the number of entries displaying per page, select a number other than the default of 100.
    3. To change the sequence of display by column, click on the  arrows next to the column names. 
    4. To edit a user's details, choose View Details under ACTIONS. Other options from ACTIONS are Disable User (for an an enabled user), Enable User (for a disabled user) and Reset Password.
    5. Click Add a New User to open the user detail page. 

    Add a New User

    Add the user Profile information, along with Shipping and Billing Locations, if applicable. Required fields are marked with an asterisk. 

    BuyerQuest AddNewUser1S2021Jun23.png

    BuyerQuest AddUser2sv2021Jun23.png

    1. Contact Email will be sent an email confirmation to the new user.
    2. Login ID is automatically populated with Contact Email if a login id is not entered.
    3. First Name is required.
    4. Last Name is required.
    5. Approver is defaulted to the user who is creating the new user. This field is not required and can be left blank.
    6. Approval limit may be left blank. 
    7. User Permissions can be chosen from the available user permissions, displayed alphabetically.
    8. Default Currency is set to the user's Manager's default currency, if set. If not set, it defaults to the site's default currency.
    9. Preferred Language is set to the user's Manager's default preferred language, if set. If not set, it defaults to the site's preferred language.
    10. Status should be Active
    11. Primary Content Group is defaulted to the content group of the user creating the new user. 
    12. Additional Content Groups may be selected. Double arrows select all, while a single arrow selects an individual Content Group
    13. All Content Groups may be selected with Automatic selection of newly created Content Groups; or
    14. Automatic Selection of newly created Content Groups may be specified. 
    15. Use the search/select to display and select Preferred Locations for the user.
      Available Locations are system locations associated with the active Content Group of the user creating/managing the new user. 
    16. Shipping and BillingLocations are set here but may also be modified at Locations and Accounting in the Main Menu.
      Preferred Locations may be selected from system locations available to the active Content Group of the managing user. 
    17. Default Shipping is the default shipping location for the user's current Content Group. 
    18. Default Billing is the default billing location for the user's current Content Group.
      Updating Default Shipping or Billing saves the new location as the default for the user's current Content Group.
      The search boxes for Default Shipping and Billing display locations in the active content group available to the managing user. 
    19. Accounting Combinations are defaulted to the Manager's Accounting Combinations, but may be edited and reviewed before saving.
      Note: Shipping, Billing, and Accounting Combination are also viewable in MY ACCOUNT  > Shipping and Accounting for the user.
      Specify an Allocation percentage if you intend to split the Accounting Combination.
      Allocation percentage allows two decimal places.
    20. Save and Send Email:
      • Creates the new user in the system.
      • Sends a welcome confirmation email and a link to set a password to the new user.
      • Assigns the new user to the same Content Group as the manager.
      • Provides a confirmation message to the manager that the user was successfully added. 
      • Creates an entry in the History of the user detailing who created the user and when. 

    Edit User Information and Status

    Use the View Details option in the ACTIONS list to view or edit a user's details. 

    Shipping and Billing Locationssection name displays Active Content Group name

    Disable a User

    To change an active user's status to inactive, use the Disable User choice in the ACTIONS column. 

    BuyerQuest Disable User

    Disable User immediately changes the status of that user to Inactive. 

    The system displays a confirmation message, "User status was successfully changed." 

    Enable a User

    To change the status of an Inactive user to Active, use the Enable User choice in the ACTIONS column in the user record. 

    BuyerQuest Enable User

    An email is resent to the enabled user to confirm the change in status.

    Enable Password Reset

    The Reset Password choice in the ACTIONS list resends a reset password link to the selected user.


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