Marketplace Home Page - Documents and Reports
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    Marketplace Home Page - Documents and Reports

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    Article summary

    The Marketplace Home Page features a centralized hub displaying all your customizations and recent activity. This topic covers access to documents and reports from your Home Page.

    Home Page

    The Marketplace Home Page is accessible by clicking on your organization's logo in the top left hand corner of the BuyerQuest site.  Depending on available modules, access privileges, and system configuration, you can access functionality, reports, and documents in your shopping workflow. Customized sections on this page, known as widgets, help you check status and expedite and simplify your tasks. 

    Please note that the type of widget and number of items listed in a given area on your Home Page depend on your permissions and role and your organization's specific configuration. 

    To access your Home Page, click on your organization's logo near the top left hand corner of the page.

    BuyerQuest MarketplaceHome2018Jun12.png


    The MY DOCUMENTS section of the Main Menu lists the types where you have individual documents to reference. Depending on your organization's configuration and your permissions and roles, you will see links to document types you can access.

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Home Page My Documents

    View the document grid for a specific document type by clicking on its name.

    See specific topics on the procurement workflow stages for detailed explanations of document details, actions, and status.

    Document Widget Areas

    Depending on your organization's configuration of Home Page areas known as widgets, you may also review abbreviated versions of grids you have access to from your Home Page. Widgets showing documents grids can be placed in the side bar (a narrow view) or in the main area, where more details are shown.

    Example: Catalog Approval Grid

    The Catalog Approval Grid is a quick view of the list of Catalogs needing Approval. 

    BuyerQuest CatalogApprovalGridWidget2018Dec27.png

    1. View all to access a more detailed view of the Grid.
    2. Use the ACTIONS menu to View Details, Download File or Validation Report

    Example: Catalog Update Grid

    The Catalog Update Grid is a quick view of the Catalogs that have been updated. 

    BuyerQuest CatalogUpdateGridWidget2018Dec27.png

    1. View all to access a more detailed view of the Grid.
    2. Use the ACTIONS menu to View Details, Download File or Download Validation or Change Report

    Example: Assigned Carts in Side Bar of Home Page

    The Assigned Carts widget allows a quick view into current assigned carts, with a link to View All in greater detail: 

    BuyerQuest Home Page Assigned Carts

    Example: Invoices in Main Panel of Home Page

    Document listings can also be displayed in the Main Panel of the Home Page, where they can be reviewed in greater detail as in the Invoices listing shown below. 

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Home Page Invoices Main Panel

    1. You can view all Invoices from the Home Page.
    2. View Invoice or Purchase Order for individual Invoices from the ACTIONS column.


    A Notifications section may be available on the Home Page to provide quick reference and access to documents needing your review or action.

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Home Page Notifications

    Open the full list of any type of document by clicking on its entry in the Notifications list.


    Standard Reports

    Standard reports on Requests, Order Summaries, Items Not Yet Received, Orders, and Pending Approvals are available from the REPORTS option in the Main Menu depending on your organization's configuration and your permissions and role. 

    BuyerQuest StandardReports2019Mar19.png

    Select a report and specify a date range to generate and view a report of your choice.

    Example: Request Details Report

    BuyerQuest GenerateReport2017Nov28.png

    1. Specify the type of report to run.
    2. Enter dates in the From and To fields.
    3. Specify the Requester.
    4. Generate Report.

    The Generated Report displays on the screen.

    BuyerQuest GeneratedReport2017Nov28.png

    1. You can save the report with Export to Excel.
    2. You can page through the report to view more entries. 

    Analytics and Budget Reports 

    Analytics and Budget Reports are available when roles and permissions allow, and are available using GoodData, a business intelligence application that can be integrated with BuyerQuest as an add-on module. GoodData reporting leverages data from your BuyerQuest instance and can be configured to meet specific reporting needs.

    Analytics and Budget Reports are available from the Main Menu.

    BuyerQuest MenuAnalyticsBudgetReports2017Nov28.png

    Analytics Reports 

    Analytics Reports may use the default reporting module or may be specifically configured for your organization. Analytics reports use visualization as shown in the sample report below.

    BuyerQuest SampleAnalyticsReport2017Nov28V2.png

    1. Access and view available reports using the tabs in the first row.
    2. Select variables from key areas to view reports by date, supplier, category, or other parameters.

    Budget Reports

    Budget Reports are available for budgets imported into and managed by BuyerQuest. Like Analytics Reports, Budget Reports may use default dashboards or may be configured specific to the unique needs of an organization. A sample Budget Report is shown here.

    BuyerQuest BudgetReport2017Nov28.png

    See Documentation Topics:

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