Quick Order - Shop by SKU or Part Number
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    Quick Order - Shop by SKU or Part Number

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    Article summary

    When you know the SKU or part number for an item or group of items, you can use Quick Order to speed up selection of items for your orders. Enter individual SKUs in the form provided or upload a list of SKUs and quantities for quick population of a selected list of items.

    Extended Quick Order

    There is an extension to the Quick Order feature which is available on versions 12.9.0 and higher. The extension enhances this feature to allow Accounting values and ShipTo locations to be assigned to items in the bulk upload process. This allows for large orders with many different ship to locations and different accounting values to be created quickly via Quick Order import. 

    The Quick Order extension must be enabled by an administrator. Admin instructions for configuring can be found here: Extended Quick Order Configuration

    Once the extended Quick Order is configured, Accounting and ShipTo will be available for bulk uploading. See section "Shopping Using a Pre-Loaded List of SKUs" for instructions on bulk uploading.

    Quick Order Tool Overview

    If you know the SKUs or part numbers of the items you are ordering, you can use Quick Order to enter them with quantities to quickly locate and select items to add to your cart.

    Use Quick Order to Shop by SKU or Part Number

    Click on Quick Order 
    shown under PRODUCTS & SERVICES in the Main Menu.

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Quick Order
    shown at the bottom of every page
    BuyerQuest Marketplace Quick Order Page Footer

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Quick Order

    1. Enter the SKU or Part number value for each item in the blank box under the SKUheading.
      Quick order accommodates SKU values of up to 64 characters.
    2. Enter the quantity in the blank box under the QTY heading.
      You will see a green checkmark next to any SKU that was found.
    3. The form is populated with an abbreviated product description and price.
    4. To add items to your cart, click on Add to Cart.
    5. To clear the form, click Clear.

    Bundles may not be added to quick order

    Quick Order does not allow Bundles to be ordered.
    When a SKU for a Bundle is added to Quick Order, an error displays, "Not a valid SKU or Part Number."

    Use the Configure and Add to Cart functionality from a search result, Quick View or the Product Details Page to order a Bundle Product. 

    Back Ordered/Pre-ordered Stock Status Display

    A back ordered/pre-ordered item may be Added to Cart from the Quick Order page. The Back Ordered/Pre-ordered status displays as a warning.

    BuyerQuest QuickOrderBackOrdered2019Feb25.png

    Configuration Required for Products with Custom Options

    When a buyer selects a product with a custom option and attempts to Add to Cart, Quick Order displays a warning message stating that the item requires configuration.

    BuyerQuest ConfigureWarningQuickOrder2018May23.png

    Click on Click to Configure to complete configuration within Quick Order.  

    BuyerQuest ConfigureProductQuickOrder2018May23.png

    Click on Set Configurations when configuration is complete.

    The status of the product changes to display a green check mark, and the product can be Added to Cart

    BuyerQuest ConfiguredProductQuickOrder2018May23.png

    Shopping Using a Pre-Loaded List of SKUs

    You can order multiple items by pre-loading a list  of SKUs and quantities into Quick Order. 
    The Upload Quick Order function in the Quick Order page can accept an Excel or .csv file using the template provided. 

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Quick Order Upload

    1. To Download and use a blank template to populate with items and upload to Quick Order:
      Click on Download a blank template under Upload Quick Order. 
      The standard template includes the following columns: Supplier ID, SKU and Qty. An extension to the Quick Order tool is available but requires an admin to turn the feature on in the admin panel. Once activated this template will display two additional columns. These are Shipping and Accounting Group. Please scroll to the bottom of this document for further information on the extension to Quick Order.
      1. Spreadsheet must be saved as an excel or .csv file
      2. Quick Order Template Fields Break-down
        • Field 1 - Supplier ID
          • This is a required field.
          • Enter the global identifier for the supplier
          • If left blank or the Supplier ID cannot be validated, the document will kick back an error
        • Field 2 - SKU
          • This is a required field.
          • Enter the SKU number for the product
          • If left blank or the SKU cannot be validated, the document will kick back an error
        • Field 3 - Qty
          • This is not a required field.
          • Enter the numerical value for the quantity of the product.
          • If left blank, the qty for the product will default to 1
        • Field 4 - Shipping
          • This is not a required field. 
          • Enter the location's external ID
          • If left blank, the product will be assigned the User's default Shipping
        • Field 5+ - Account Group # 
          • This is not a required field
          • Column Header - the column header should include the Accounting Group ID Number. If several Accounting Groups will be used, create a new column for each Accounting Group. For example, if the data includes the use of AccountingGroup 32 and AccountingGroup 14, label one column "AccountingGroup32" and another column "AccountingGroup 14".
          • Cells beneath the AccountingGroup# header - the cells should include the Accounting Group value IDs for the particular product within the row. 
          • If any cell is left blank beneath a AccountingGroup column the system will assume that value is empty.
    3. After completing the Quick Order template and saving it as a csv file, click on Click to Add Files.
      Choose the file to upload. 
    4. The filename of the selected file is displayed. 
    5. Upload File.
    Shopping Carts can accommodate a large number of items -- up to several hundred in a single cart.  
    Quick order will display the SKU and QTY values from the file.

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Quick Order Populated

    Troubleshoot Shopping with SKU Values 

    Quick Order provides a best effort match against a SKU value, but does not offer a "look up" function to locate products based on partial SKU values. Quick Order may show more than one matched product when SKU values are duplicated across catalogs, for example. Use the following troubleshooting strategies if SKU value entries display warnings. 

    SKU Value Matches Multiple Items

    When a SKU matches more than one item, you will see a yellow warning triangle next to the SKU value. YellowTriangle4.png

    BuyerQuest QuickOrderYellowTriangle2017Dec12V2.png

    • Click on the yellow warning triangle.
    • Items matching the SKU value are listed in Choose Item. 

    BuyerQuest ChooseItemQuickOrder2017Dec12.png

    To choose an item for selection to the Quick Order list: 

    1. Click on the button to the left of the item of your choice.
    2. Click on Choose Item.
      Your selection will display with an abbreviated description and price.

    SKU Matches No Items

    When a SKU value is not found, you will see a red triangle next to the SKU BuyerQuest Marketplace Shop by SKU red warning triangle

    The tooltip warning message Not a valid SKU or partnumber indicates

    1. The entry of partial or incorrect SKU; or
    2. The entry of a SKU for a product that is Out of Stock or Available by Quote Only.

    To clear the error, click on Clear in the Quick Order page. 

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Quick Order SKU Error

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