Related Records and Document History
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    Related Records and Document History

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    Article summary

    Review related records from the document details page to track status, review the workflow history, or access related documents.

    Related Records

    When Related Records are available for a document, they are accessible by clicking on the Related Records button in the top right hand corner of the document details page.

    BuyerQuest RelatedRecords2022Jan14.png

    1. Show Related Records.
    2. Access any Related Record from the list by clicking on it.
    in this example, the list of Related Records shows the purchase orders created from a request.

    Related records for each document type

    All Related Documents are displayed for the document types listed below to users with the proper permissions relevant to each document type. 

    Related Records
    RequestAll Purchase Orders generated by the Request
    All Invoices generated against the related POs
    All Credit Memos generated against the related POs/Invoices
    All ASNs generated against the related POs
    All Receipts generated against the related POs
    Related RFQ
    Related Quote
    Purchase OrderRelated Request
    All Invoices generated against the Purchase Order
    All Credit Memos generated against the Purchase Order
    All ASNs generated against the Purchase Order
    All Receipts generated against the Purchase Order
    Related RFQ
    Related Quote
    Invoice Reconciliation
    Related PO
    Related Request
    All Invoices generated against the related Purchase Order
    All Credit Memos generated against the related Purchase Order
    All ASNs generated against the related Purchase Order
    All Receipts generated against the related Purchase Order
    Related RFQ
    Related Quote

    Credit Memo

    Related PO
    Related Request
    All Invoices generated against the related PO
    All Credit Memos generated against the related PO
    All ASNs generated against the related PO
    All Receipts generated against the related PO
    Related RFQ
    Related Quote
    ASNRelated PO
    Related Request
    All Invoices generated against the related Purchase Order
    All Credit Memos generated against the related Purchase Order
    All Receipts generated against the related Purchase Order
    Related RFQ
    Related Quote
    ReceiptRelated PO
    Related Request
    Related Receipts
    All Invoices generated against the related Purchase Order
    All Credit Memos generated against the related Purchase Order
    All ASNs generated against the related Purchase Order
    Related RFQ
    Related Quote

    Document History

    You can also reference and review the full Document History from the document details page.  

    BuyerQuest DocumentHistory2022Jan14.png

    1. The full History is shown from the initial document through the current status.
    2. You can view related documents from the History list. 

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