Search Products and Services
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    Search Products and Services

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    Article summary

    You can search Products and Services from anywhere in Marketplace by using the box labelled "Search by Keyword, SKU, or Part #." Learn how to use search suggestions and save and reuse searches.

    See Documentation Topics:

    One-click Request

    Content Management (CMS) for Static Blocks

    Filter, Sort, and Compare Product Information


    Marketplace offers a robust search over all categories of Products and Services, always available from any location. 

    Search Box

    The Search Box in the BuyerQuest Marketplace is always available at the top of every page.

    To search over all Products and Services, click on the search box labeled “Search by Keyword, SKU, or Part # ”

    BuyerQuest SearchBox2018Jul02.png

    Provide a search term and <Enter> to search products from all Suppliers

    Limit a search to a specific Supplier using the All dropdown. 

    Use Search Suggestions

    To target your search and limit search results, you can view and choose items from the type-ahead function presenting suggested lists of Suppliers, Categories, or Products & Services.

    BuyerQuest SearchSuggestions2018Jul02.png

    1. Enter a term in the search box.
    2. Click on an item in the list displayed beneath the search box.

    Search Results for External Suppliers

    Items matching search terms offered by external (PunchOut) Suppliers are listed at the top of the Search Results. View items from the external Supplier by clicking on the Supplier icon.

    BuyerQuest SearchResultsExternalSupplier2018Feb22.png

    Search Suggestions When No Results Found

    When searches include multiple words, all words must be found for an item to be returned as a search result.  

    For example, if a user searches for ‘blue paper napkin’, the system interprets the search as “find items in the catalog with ‘blue AND paper AND napkin’ and display those results”.

    If no products are identified that match all terms in a search, a message provides the option to see partial matches and also includes recommendations on other search terms that can be used, listing number of results for each. 

    BuyerQuest SearchRecommendationsV2_2018Sep20.png

    1. Select click here to see partial matches to re-execute the search using an OR operator, which returns results where only one of the words is found. 
    2. Select one of the recommendations to see a known number of results. 

    CMS Block for Guidance when a Search Produces No Results

    Administrators may also configure a CMS Block to display to buyers when a search produces no results. The CMS block can provide recommendations for further action for a buyer to locate products and services. 

    BuyerQuest CMSBlockNoResults2018Nov19.png

     CMS Blocks are configured in the Admin Control Panel. 

    See the Documentation Topic:

    Content Management (CMS) for Static Blocks

    Use Filter and Sort to Narrow Search Results

    BuyerQuest displays a maximum of 8 attribute filters to narrow search results, plus a dropdown menu to select and use additional attributes for filtering. The Sort By drop down offers sorting by Name, Relevance, Supplier, Manufacturer, Base Currency, and more. 

    BuyerQuest SearchResultAttributeFilters2018Oct11.png

    1. Select from the 8 most frequently occurring attributes to use as filters.
    2. Use the Category Filter to view results in different Category.
    3. Use the Add Filter dropdown to review and use additional attribute filters.
    4. Use the Sort By dropdown to change the sorting of results to one of the popular sorting schemes: Relevance, Name, Supplier, Manuafacturer, and others. 

    One-click Request Available in Search Results Listings

    In-stock and available simple Products listed in Search Results may be ordered using the One-click Request option when the user is properly permissioned. 

    Using One-click Request creates a Request for that item only. Items in the cart stay in the cart and are not added to the Request. If the item has an associated Linked Product, the Linked Product will also be added to the Request

    BuyerQuest ProductListingOneClickRequest2019Jul24.png

    Use Search Enhancements to Find Products Quickly

    Watch the video for a demonstration of how to use search suggestions, category links, and filters to target specific products. 

    Save a Search 

    Searches can be saved and then reused from the search box. When a search is saved, the viewing mode -- grid,  list, matrix -- is saved with the search so it is retained. When the saved search is rerun, it results will display in same mode as when the search was saved.

     To save a search:

    • Perform a search.
    • Access the Results page.

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Save Search
    Click on the orange Save Search text next to the Results total.

    1. In the Save Product Searchbox, enter a search name.
      Saved Search names must be unique.
    2. Click Save Search.
      BuyerQuest Marketplace Save a Search box

    Use a Saved Search

    Saved Searches are available from the search box for reuse. To use a Saved Search click on the Search box:

    BuyerQuest Marketplace saved search box

    The 5 most recent Saved Searches are shown in the list. Click on view all to see all Saved Searches

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Saved Searches
    You can view, delete, or rerun a search from Saved Product Searches.

    See Topics:

    View Product and Services Details

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