Shop Using a Collaborative Cart
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    Shop Using a Collaborative Cart

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    Article summary

    BuyerQuest allows coworkers to share carts and create groups to shop collaboratively. Use collaborative carts to shop for items needed by a group.

    Create a Collaborative Cart to Shop as a Collaboration Group

    You can create and share a cart with colleagues to shop as a group from the Shopping Cart page.  To avoid duplicative ordering and gain efficiencies in shopping, use a Collaborative Cart that is viewable and accessible by the members of a Collaboration Group that you define. 

    The Collaboration Group you define is available from MY ACCOUNT in the Main Menu and from the Shopping Cart page for your shopping activities into the future.  

    To create a Collaborative Cart, click on Create Collaborative Cart from any Shopping Cart.

    BuyerQuest CreateCollaborativeCart2018May02.png

    The Create Collaborative Cart page is available for you to create a new Collaborative Cart

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Strategy Collaborative Cart

    1. Enter a Cart Name.
    2. Select a Collaboration Group from the list of existing groups or create a new Collaboration Group by adding a Group Name and Adding Group Members.
    3. Share Cart to save the Cart and the Group Members associated with it.  

    The Collaboration Group you define is available from MY ACCOUNT in the Main Menu and from the Shopping Cart until it's deleted. 

    Shop for a Collaboration Group 

    You can view and use Collaborative Carts assigned to your Collaboration Groups from MY ACCOUNT in the Main Menu

    BuyerQuest Marketplace My Account Collaborative Cart

    You can View Details of a Cart, Shop for Group, or Delete a Cart by clicking on the More Options button BuyerQuest Marketplace More Options Button displayed in the far right Actions column. 

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Collaborative Cart Edit

    Shop for Collaboration Group

    On the Shopping Cart page, you can Continue Shopping or adjust items in a cart. To Checkout a Collaborative Cart, choose the Shop for Group menu option.

    BuyerQuest CollaborativeShoppingCart2018May02.png

    1. You can reference the cart you're shopping from and Return to Your Personal Cart from the information message at the top of the page.
    2. Add more items to the current Collaborative Cart by clicking on Continue Shopping.
    3. When you are finished shopping, you can Proceed to Checkout
    4. Change an item Quantity using the QTY box.
    5. Edit an item by clicking on the pencil icon.
    6. To save the set of items to reorder at a later date, you can save the Collaborative Cart as a Saved Shopping List.
    7. You can clear all the items from the cart and start over with your shopping by clicking on Clear Cart.

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