Standard Reports on Requests, Purchase Orders, Receipts, and Locations
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    Standard Reports on Requests, Purchase Orders, Receipts, and Locations

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    Article summary

    Access Reports from the Main Menu to run standard reports on Requests, Purchase Orders, Receipts, and Locations.

    Standard Reports

    Buying organizations benefit from use of reports to collect information on Purchase Orders, Requests, Pending Approvals, and Receipts owned by a specific user within a certain time frame.

    Access Standard Reports by clicking on Menu > My Documents > Reports > Reports.

    BuyerQuest StandardReports2021Apr27.png

    Large Reports May be Emailed 

    When a user runs a report that the system is unable to display due to memory limitations, the report may be emailed to the user. 

    BuyerQuest EmailLargeReport2019Aug14.png

    1. The Requester field shows the email the report will be sent to. The recipient may be changed if necessary.
    2. Click here for the report to be emailed to the Requester. 
    3. Reduce the date range to display the report. 
    4. Use Generate Report to display the report after the date range has been altered. 

    Sample Report Email

    The following is a sample email providing access to a report requested from the BuyerQuest system. 

    BuyerQuest SampleReportEmail2019Aug14.png

    Request Details Report

    The Request Details Report lists Requests made by the specified Requester, ordered by date. 

    BuyerQuest RequestDetailsReport2018Dec26.png

    1. Specify the Date Range for the report. 
    2. Specify the name of the Requester
    3. Generate Report with the option to also Export to Excel.The export file is named Request Details.csv
    4. Adjust the number of Items per Page as needed. 
    5. Reports include Request #, Requested by, Date Requested On, Status, and Request Total.
      Note that line items provide greater detail and include SKU, Name, Supplier, Quantity, UOM, Price, Total,  Ship to ID, and Ship to location.

    Pending Approvals by User Report

    The Pending Approvals by User Report can be specified by date range and lists Pending Approvals organized by user. 

    BuyerQuest PendingApprovalsbyUser2018Dec27.png

    1. Specify the Date Range for the report. 
    2. Generate Report with the option to also  Export to Excel.The export file is named Pending Approvals by User {Date}.csv
    3. Adjust the number of Items per Page as needed. 
    4. Each set of Pending Approvals is prefaced by the Name of the Approver and the number of orders to approve. 
    5. Reports include Request #, Title, Requested By, Requested On, and Total.

    Order Summary by Supplier Report

    The Order Summary by Supplier Report is specified with a date range and lists orders by Supplier with key information.

    BuyerQuest OrderSummarySupplier2018Dec26.png

    1. Specify the Date Range for the report. 
    2. Generate Report with the option to also Export to Excel.The export file is named Order Summary by Supplier {Date}.csv
    3. Adjust the number of Items per Page as needed. 
    4. Each set of Supplier Orders is prefaced by the Name of the Supplier
    5. Reports include Order #, Request #, Date Ordered On, Status, Ship to ID, Ship to location and PO Total.

    Previously Ordered Items Report

    The Previously Ordered Items Report lists the items the user has ordered within a specifiable date range.

    BuyerQuest PreviouslyOrderedItems2021Jan13.png

    1. Specify the Date Range for the report. 
    2. Generate Report with the option to also Export to Excel.The export file is named Previously Ordered Items {Date}.csv
    3. Adjust the number of Items per Page as needed. 

    Items Not Yet Received Report

    The Items Not Yet Received Report is specified by date and organized by Supplier


    1. Specify the Date Range for the report. 
    2. Select Yes or No to Include Items that Require Receiving Only
    3. Generate Report with the option to also  Export to Excel.The export file is named Items Not Yet Received {Date}.csv
    4. Adjust the number of Items per Page as needed. 
    5. Each set of Supplier Orders is prefaced by the Name of the Supplier
    6. Reports include Order #, Requested By, Date Ordered On, Status, Ship to ID, Ship to location and Total Due to Supplier. 

    Purchase Order Details by Location

    The Purchase Order Details may be run for all available Locations or for selected Locations. 

    BuyerQuest PurchaseOrderLocationsReport2021Apr27.png

    1. Choose PO Details under Locations and click Next Step
    2. Specify a date range for the report. 
    3. Use the search/select box to specify Locations, or choose All available locations
    4. Generate Report or Export to Excel
    5. Adjust the number of Items per Page as needed.
    6. Reports include PO#, Ordered By, Status, Order Date and Total, with expandable details on Items. 

    Invoice Details by Location

    Reports on Invoice Details may be run for all available Locations or for selected Locations.

    BuyerQuest InvoiceDetailsLocation2021Apr27.png

    1. Choose Invoice Details under Locations and click Next Step
    2. Specify a date range for the report. 
    3. Use the search/select box to specify Locations or choose All available locations
    4. Generate Report or Export to Excel
    5. Adjust the number of Items per Page as needed.
    6. Reports include Invoice #, Supplier Invoice #, PO#, Supplier, Invoice Date, Subtotal, Shipping, Handling, Tax, Discount, Total, and Status, with expandable details on Items. 

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