Validate and Track Status of Invoices
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    Validate and Track Status of Invoices

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    Article summary

    Validating invoices can be done by comparing related documents and verifying that pricing and order information match.

    Validate Invoice

    Invoice validation is done at the point of creating an invoice. Fields can be edited and information entered during creation. 

    BuyerQuest Validate Invoice

    Access Invoices

    Access an Invoice from the Accounts Payable Dashboard or from the  Invoice Grid from the PAYABLES section of the Main Menu.

    Access Invoices from the Accounts Payable Dashboard

    BuyerQuest AccessInvoices2019Apr29.png

    1. Search for a specific invoice using the Search box.
    2. View a list of Overdue Invoices by specifying the number of days overdue and clicking on the arrow. 
    3. View a list of Unapproved Invoices Due by specifying the number of days due and clicking on the arrow. 
    4. View a list of Invoices Due by specifying the number of days due and clicking on the arrow. 

    Note that Invoices may be edited from the Approve Invoices area accessible from the Accounts Payable Dashboard or the Main Menu

    Access Invoices from the Main Menu

    BuyerQuest InvoiceGrid2018Nov12.png .            

    The grid provides options to locate, review, and take action on an invoice.

    1. Search by Invoice or Purchase Order Number
    2. Use the Filters to locate an Invoice.
    3. View Invoice or Purchase OrderCreate a Credit Memo or Update Status to Paid from the choices in the ACTIONS list. 

    Manual Update Invoice Status to Paid

    Users with appropriate permissions have the ability to manually update an invoice to Paid from the Invoices Grid.

    For Invoices with a status of OK to Pay, Payment Requested, Payment Failed, or Partially Paid, the ACTIONS menu features an option to Update Status to Paid

    Users with Global Invoice Search permission may view Invoices in the grid or Invoice Details page and may also Update Status to Paid when that permission is enabled. 

    BuyerQuest InvoiceGridUpdateStatus2018Nov12.png

    When a user clicks Update Status to Paid, the invoice status is changed to Paid.

    The option to Update Status to Paid is available only to a user with the permission to Update Invoice Status to Paid, set in the Admin Control Panel. 

    View Invoice 

    View an Invoice from the Grid to review details or take further action.

    BuyerQuest ViewInvoiceIncludesHistory2018Jun20.png

    1. When an invoice is in a Partially Paid or Paid status, you can Save as PDF or Create Credit Memo. You may also Update Status to Paid for Partially Paid Invoices.
    2. You may also view Related Records for the Invoice to access Purchase Orders and other documents.  
    3. You may View More Details for the Invoice for further review. 
    4. Status changes are listed in History and provide key information along with a timestamp for each change. When settlement by card is enabled for an organization's buyers and suppliers, details of card payment may be referenced in the history. 

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