View Product and Services Details
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    View Product and Services Details

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    Article summary

    See Documentation Topics: 

    Manage Products Grid

    Similar and Matched Products Configuration

    Product Details Page

    View product information from a Product Details page, displayed by clicking on a product name.

    BuyerQuest ProductDetailsOneClick2019Jul24.png

    1. Product name.
    2. Product price and availability information.
    3. Item linked to the product --  items configured as linked to a product in the admin control panel are automatically added to a cart with the product for users in Content Groups mapped to the Catalog the Linked Product is associated with. 
    4. Specify quantity and Add to Cart or One-Click Request.
      Using One-click Request creates a Request for that item only. Items in the cart stay in the cart and are not added to the Request. If the item has an associated Linked Product, the Linked Product will also be added to the Request
    5. Product review is available. 
    6. The user may also Add to Cart & Subscribe.  The subscription page provides the ability to specify time interval and quantity for reorders. 
    7.  Add to Saved Shopping List; or
    8. Compare with other selected products.
    9. Product Descriptions may be reviewed in the Details and Additional Information tabs. 
    10. Similar Products are listed as Product Recommendations, based on similarities in the values of UNSPSC and manufacturer's part number.
      Similar Products display when a site is configured to use automated product matching using similar matches.
      See Similar and Matched Product Configuration

    View Replacement Parts Details

    The Replacement Parts list may feature a schematic with corresponding labels assigned to depictions of the parts in the schematic. 

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    1. If included in the Product record, a schematic featuring Replacement Parts displays with the list. 
    2. Replacement parts may be assigned Labels corresponding to numeric designations in a diagram or schematic. 
    3. Specify Quantity.
    4. Add to Cart to order. 

    See the Documentation topic Manage Products Grid for details on configuration and specifications for Replacement Parts. 

    Matched Products on Product Details Page

    Exact matches are manual associations of products and are imported into the system. 

    When a site is configured to display matched products, exact product matches are shown under the heading Lower Priced Options.

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    Product Videos Display on Product Details Page

    Videos included in an upload of additional attributes for a product are available for viewing from the product details page. 

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    Click on a video embedded on the page to view it. 

    Search Results Views 

    Marketplace offers three available views of Product and Service details for easy viewing and reference.
    Learn the features and benefits of Grid, List, and Matrix views below.
    Saved Searches retain the view displaying the results at the time the search is saved. When a search is rerun, the results display in the original viewing mode: grid, list, or matrix. 

    Product Attributes configured to be used in search and filter and displayed in product listings are displayed in Grid and List views. 

    Please note
    Products may not be sorted by List Price in Search Results.

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    Grid View of Product and Service Details

    Product and Service details matching the search terms or browse path are shown in Grid view when you browse or search from anywhere on Marketplace

    Grid view BuyerQuest Marketplace Product Details Grid View Icon shows 48 items per page and includes photos and product details.

    This view is recommended if you need to review photos and product descriptions or scan through many items at a time. 

    BuyerQuest GridViewSearchResults2019Feb15.png

    List View of Product and Service Details

    To view full and expanded product descriptions, click on List view BuyerQuest Marketplace Product Details List View Icon.

    • This view is recommended if you want to see all the available information for the products you are reviewing for selection. 

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    Matrix View of Product and Service Details

    To view items without photos but with enhanced sorting, click on Matrix View BuyerQuest Marketplace Product Detail Matrix View.

    • This view is recommended if you don't need photos of the items, want to see as many items as possible, or want to sort by a product feature.  
    • Sort results alphabetically by clicking on the plus signs to the right of the columns for Name, Supplier, Price, or Unit of Measure.
    Your site may be configured to feature Matrix view for one or more categories.

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    Product Status - Out of Stock or Available by Quote Only

    Products with inventory status of Out of Stock or Available by Quote Only will display such status in the QTY column in product listings, detail pages and search results. Please note that these states prevent a product from being added to a cart or a saved shopping list. 

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    Review Tiered Product Pricing

    Products can be offered with lower prices based on higher quantities. Such pricing is known as "tiered pricing" and is shown in product details pages.  Tiered pricing is indicated by the text "as low as" (indicating the price of the lowest pricing tier) preceding the displayed price. 

    BuyerQuest Marketplace Tiered Pricing

    View Product Bundles

    Organizations can select a group of items to collect into a bundle for a specific purpose, such as a kit of essential equipment for new staff members. Bundled products display sample prices as configured.  When a bundled product is selected, choices must be made to configure the product. The final price is based on the chosen configuration.

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    1. Checkboxes are available for choosing items to include in the bundle.
    2. The Linked Items icon indicates that items linked to an item will be added if the item is included in the bundle.
    3. When an item with a linked item is chosen, a message reports that the LInked Item has been added to the cart, providing the Linked Item's product name, SKU, and price.
    4. The Price is listed as the product is configured. 
    5. Add to Cart. 

    Select All Bundled Items

    The Product Details page for a bundle offers the option to Select All Bundled Items.

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    For details on product bundle configuration, see

    Manage and View

    Out of Stock Item in Bundle

    Out of Stock Item choices in bundles are designated as such and may not be chosen in a bundle configuration.

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    View Preferred Products

    Specific products can be designated as "Preferred" to boost their ranking in search results and also to display in custom categories, when so configured by a buying organization. When a Preferred Product is found through a search, it is automatically boosted to the top of search results. Boosted display is configured per page by relevancy or for all results. 

    Preferred Products display with labels on colored flags. The Preferred label on a gray flag is the system default.  Customized labels can be also configured in the Admin Control Panel at CATALOG > Manage Preferred Product Labels

    For details on managing preferred products, see

    Manage Preferred Products

    Preferred Product Import

    Preferred Product Display - Default Label

    Products configured as Preferred Products display at the top of the search results. 

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    Preferred Product Display - Custom Label and Color

    Products designated as Preferred Products and configured with custom label and color display with the default label and are found at the the top of search results. 

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