Credit Memo Approval Rule Management
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    Credit Memo Approval Rule Management

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    Article summary

    Credit Memos may be routed for approval based on conditions specified in Approval Rules.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Approve Credit Memos

    Credit Memo Grid and Details

    Credit Memo Approval Lookup Rules and Lookup Table

    Credit Memo Approval Lookup Rule Import

    Credit Memo Approval Lookup Rule Export

    Credit Memo Approval Rules

    Credit Memo Approval Rules may be configured to route Credit Memos to Approvers based on specific conditions. Approval Rules may also be configured in a Lookup Table. Configure Credit Memo Approval Rules from the Admin Control Panel at DOCUMENT RULES > Payable Rules > Credit Memo Approval Rules > Approval Rules. 

    BuyerQuest CreditMemoApprovalRules2020Jun03.png

    Add or Edit a New Approval Rule 

    You can review, filter, edit or add Approval Rules on the Credit Memo Approval Rules page.

    BuyerQuest CreditMemoApprovalRuleGrid2020Jun03.png

    1. Click on a Rule Name to access for editing.
    2. Rules are in effect when Status is set to Active.
    3. Set Rule Priority as needed.
    4. Add New Rule or Add New Lookup Rule

    Credit Memo Approval Rule Information

    Enter or Edit the Rule Information for a new or edited rule.

    BuyerQuest CreditMemoApprovalRule2021Jun22.png

    1. Specify a Rule Name.
    2. Enter a Display Message, if applicable.
    3. Set Status to Active to have Credit Memos be evaluated against the Rules.
    4. All Content Groups may be selected,
    5. including automatic selection of new Content Groups; or
    6. Specify automatic selection of new Content Groups.
    7. Specify a Priority.
      The lowest Priority value means that the rule has higher priority in comparison to the rest of the rules created.
      This priority is applied when a item validates more that one receiving rule.
    8. Specify the use to serve as the Exception Handler, using the search/select box.
    9. Save or Save and Continue Edit.

    Header Level Conditions for Credit Memo Approval Rule

    Access the Conditions tab to specify the Conditions for the Approval Rule. 

    Header Level Conditions are shown here. 

    BuyerQuest CreditMemoHeaderConditions2020Oct8.png

    1. The current available Header Conditions are whether the Credit Memo is PO-based and Total Value of the Credit Memo. 
    2. Click on the green circles to expand additional choices.
    3. Save or Save and Continue Edit.

    Line Level Conditions for Credit Memo Approval Rule

    Conditions are also available for Line Items.

    BuyerQuest CreditMemoItemConditions2020Oct8.png

    1. A Condition may be chosen to apply to a Credit Memo Line Item
    2. Available Conditions are Item Type (Unknown, Product, Service) or Accounting Group
    3. Click on the green circles to expand additional choices.
    4. Save or Save and Continue Edit.

    Specify Actions for the Credit Memo Approval Rule

    Access the Actions tab to specify the Approver Type for the Credit Memo Approval Rule.

    BuyerQuest CreditMemoApprovalRuleActions2020Sep28.png

    Configure the Actions for the New Credit Memo Approval Rule

    Choose an Approver Type from the list of available options.

    Requestor - the person who created the Request.

    Specific User - one person who is then designated in the Approver or Watcher box.  Then Specify the Approver.

    Approver - The Requestor's Approver.

    User Group - the name of a User Group where any member can be the Approver or Watcher who is then designated in the Approver or Watcher box.

    Spend Limit Approver - the Approver of the Requester or Approver of the delegated user, if specified.

    The Spend Limit Approver is assigned when the rule is triggered and the document total is greater than the Requester's or delegated user's Spend Limit.

    When the document total is less than the Requester's or delegated user's Spend Limit, no Approver is assigned. 

    Spend Limit Approver Hierarchy - specifies a hierarchy of Approvers or Watchers who have the signing authority.

    The Spend Limit Approver Hierarchy determines the approval chain when the rule is triggered and the document total is greater than the Requester's or delegated user's Spend Limit.

    Approver with Sufficient Spend Limit Authority - adds the Approver in the Requestor or the delegated user's Approval chain with the maximum spend limit authority.

    A user acting on behalf of (OBO) of another user is referred to as the OBO user or the delegate.
    The person whose duties have been delegated to another user is referred to as the delegated user. See the topic 
    Account Delegation for more information.

    Spend Limit Approver, Spend Limit Approver Hierarchy, and Sufficient Spend Limit Authority Approval Types 

    When Spend Limit Approver type is assigned as the Approver, the Approver is set as the Requestor's or OBO user's Approver:

    1. When the rule is triggered; and
    2. The Requestor's or delegated user's Spend Limit has been exceeded by the document.

    When Spend Limit Approver Hierarchy Type is assigned as the Approver, the Approver is set:

    1. When the rule is triggered; and 
    2. The Requestor's or delegated user's Spend Limit has been exceeded by the document. 

    Requestor's Approver (Approver A) is assigned, if the document total is less than Approver A's Spend Limit.
    When the total is over the Approval A's limit, it is assigned to Approver A's Approver (Approver B), if the total is less than Approver B's Spend Limit.
    As Spend Limits are met/exceeded, the determination of Credit Memo Approver continues up the Approval Hierarchy to set an Approver whose Spend Limit is less than the document total

    When Approver with Sufficient Spend Limit Authority is assigned as the Approver,  the Approver is set: 

    1. When the rule is triggered; and 
    2. The Approver is the user with the maximum spend limit authority in the Requestor's or delegated user's Approval chain.

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