UI Management - Home Page Widgets
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    UI Management - Home Page Widgets

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    Article summary

    Marketplace home page widgets help the administrators customize the content and display on the Home Page based on user preferences. Display of the image Carousel on the home page is also configurable as a widget.

    Configure Home Page Widgets

    Home Page widgets can be placed either in the main area of the Home Page or in the Sidebar.

    Configuring widgets on the Home Page saves time for the user and provides key organization-specific information. 

    Home Page Widgets are configured at: 

    Menu > Users > Manage User Permissions > Select The User > Edit Permissions > Home Page Widgets.

    BuyerQuest PermissionsHomePageWidgets2020Oct15.png

    Select Home Page Widgets

    An organization's site may show six widgets in the main area and six in the Sidebar.

    BuyerQuest ConfigureHomePageWidgets2020Oct15.png

    1. The Main Widget 1 displays at the top of the page. The Image Carousel is usually assigned this space. 
    2. "Banners" refer to a group of images the buying organization selects to display in the area at the top of the home page, directly to the left of the Main Menu and below the Search box. This area may also be referred to as the image "Carousel."  
      Selecting Yes enables the images in the Carousel to rotate automatically.
       See Image C
    3. Set the Length of time in seconds that each banner image in the Carousel displays.
    4. Main Widgets 2 through 6 occupy the Main Widget Area, which is approximately 2/3 of the width of the space available. Make selections from the dropdown list.
    5. Right Sidebar Widgets 1 through 6 selections should be narrower widgets with fewer columns. 

    Main Area and Sidebar

    Main Area & Sidebar

    Widgets can be assigned to either Main Area or Sidebar. 

    1. Main Widget Area - It's recommended to place Widgets with a larger layout or more information in this area. Grids listing documents needing action often occupy this space.
      Note that the Commonly Ordered Items widget is available for display in the Main Widget Area only, due to its size. 
    2. Sidebar Widget Area is recommended for smaller Widgets with fewer columns. 

    The following is a list of widgets available for the Home Page. Some of the widgets are recommended for one area only.

    • Accounts Payables Dashboard
    • Assigned Carts Grid
    • Approvals Grid
    • CMS Block
    • Catalog Approval Grid
    • Catalog Update Grid
    • Commonly Ordered Items 
    • Estimated Savings Widget - Please note that this widget has been deprecated and should not be used.
    • Featured Products
    • Image Carousel  - recommended for the main widget area only.
      See the topic: Home Page Sliders Management
    • Invoice Grid
    • Invoice Approvals Grid
    • Invoice Reconciliation Grid
    • PO Grid
    • RFQ Grid
    • Requests Grid
    • Saved Document Searches - recommended for the Sidebar
    • Saves Product Searches - recommended for the Sidebar
    • Saved Shopping Lists
    • Shop by Category-The main widget version shows the two levels of navigation and the sidebar only shows top-level categories
    • Shop by Supplier - recommended for the main widget area only
    • Transferred Carts
    Please note

    The Notifications widget and related functionality have been removed from the Admin Control Panel to eliminate any performance issues associated with it.

    Video - Set Up Display of the Commonly Ordered Items Home Page Widget

    Watch the video below for a detailed walk through of the configuration of the Commonly Ordered Items Home Page Widget. This widget also displays the last ordered quantity for each item in the list. 

    Image Carousel Widget Configuration

    A set of images can be displayed in the area at the top of the Marketplace Home page, directly below the search box. This set of images is referred to as the "Image Carousel" and can be configured to run automatically or by click. The timing of the individual sliders can also be configured.

    The Image Carousel Widget is usually placed in the Main Widget 1 position. 

    Image Carousel Widget Configuration.png

    1. Banner Rotation: Selecting yes will make banner rotation automatic. Selecting no will require users to click on the controls to see the next banner.
    2. Banner Time: This is the number of seconds a banner will display before changing to the next banner. This will only be applicable if the banners are set to rotate automatically. 

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