User Management
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    User Management

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    Article summary

    This topic details user management from the admin control panel.

    See Documentation Topics:

    Switch Content Groups for Access and Shopping

    Manage Users in Marketplace

    User Management Overview

    Transferred Tasks Emails


    User management from the Admin Control Panel is available from the USERS section of the menu. 

    Note that user management is also available in Marketplace Main Menu under MY ACCOUNT when permissions allow. 

    Navigate to Menu > Users > Manage Users to access the Manage Users page.

    BuyerQuest ManageUsers2020Mar02.png

    Manage users

    Users are listed on the Manage Users page, where user records can be searched, referenced, and maintained. 

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    1. Search and filter on any of the fields in the grid: External ID, Type, Content Group, Name, Login ID, Status, Approver Name/EID or User Approval Limit.
    2. Select a user before performing an Action.
    3. Available Actions 
      1. Assign the User to Content Group(s);
      2. Transfer Tasks from the User to another User; or
      3. Use Customer Activated to Activate or Deactivate User 
    4. Administrators may also Add New Users when accessing the Manage Users Grid. 

    User information

    BuyerQuest UserInformation2V2020Nov29.png

    View a User's information in these tabs on the User Information page:

    1. Customer View - Shows access history, Default Billing Address (if any), Recent Orders, Shopping Cart Items and Saved Shopping Lists.
    2. See section Account Information below.  Includes General Information (Name, Email, Default Currency), User Type and Permissions (Supplier and Content Group), Approval Configuration, and Password Management.
    3. User Attributes displays the User Attributes that may be viewed and updated. 
    4. Account Delegation is enabled and specified here. Fields include Delegate to list, Start Date, End Date and delegation Reason.
    5. Accounting for the user may be specified and includes Cost Center, Company, Region and Project lists.
    6. Locations - Includes options to specify Default Shipping and Default Billing Locations and to add Locations
    7. Shopping Cart - Displays items in Shopping Cart.
    8. Orders - Displays Order records in a grid and offers Filters and Search
    9. Quotations - Displays Quotations in a Grid.
    10. Saved Shopping List - Displays Saved Shopping Lists, lists Products and key information for reference and maintenance. 
    11. Product Reviews - Displays the User's Product Reviews.
    12. Product Tags - Displays items tagged by the User.
    13. Transferred Tasks - Displays task lists transferred from the User to another. See the section Transferred Tasks below. 

    Create user - account information, including content group assignment 

    Add a new user can be created by clicking on Add New User in the Manage Users grid. The following screen is used to capture basic information about the user.

    A red asterisk indicates a required field. 

    1. Provide First and Last Names.
    2. Activate user by choosing Yes for Is Activated
    3. Provide Email Address for the User. 
    4. Provide the required Login ID.
    5. Associate to Website.
    6. Provide a Telephone Number for the User.
    7. Specify the User's Default Currency to be used in the display of prices and order totals. 
    8. Specify the User's Preferred Language.
    9. Provide the User's External ID from an external system.
    10. Provide the address for Deliveries to the User. 
    11. Choose the User Type: Internal (User from Buying Organization) or External (Supplier).
    12. Choose a set of User Permissions from the drop down list.
    13. Specify the User's Primary Content Group. This is the Content Group most commonly used.
      Content Groups are used to group users based on their role or geography. They determine access to various types of content, documents, and actions in the BuyerQuest application.
    14. Check the box for Prevent Overwrite by Dataloader to retain this Content Group assignment in the event a dataload affects the User settings in the system. 
    15. Assign any Additional Content Groups the user needs for access to additional types of content, documents, and actions. 
    16. To include the user in all Content Groups, current and future, check Select all Content Groups, including automatically selecting newly created Content Groups. 
      To include the user in Content Groups created in the futures, check Automatically select newly created Content Groups
    17. Choose the areas of the site to Allow Access To: This determines whether the User should access the site as a Customer (front end), an Administrator (back end) or both. 
    18. Specify the User's Approver.
    19. Specify the Approval Limit for the User. 
    20. Select the BQPay Company from the drop down if the user is granted permission to manage payments.
      When a new User is created via CSV or the Admin Control Panel, the default for this field is None
      When a new User is created in the front end and the Payment Provider is CSI,  value for BQPay Company is None.
      When a new User is created in the front end and Ascendant is configured to be the Payment Provider,  the system assigns the first company in the list of BQPay Companies in the Admin Control Panel at ACCOUNTING > Manage BQPay Companies.
    21. Check the box for Prevent Overwrite by Dataloader to retain this BQPay Company assignment in the event a dataload affects the User settings in the system.
    22. Specify New Password and set the rules for Password generation and next login. 

    User attributes 

    Selected User Attributes can be configured to be available for display and update from the User Attributes tab of the User Record. 

    The configuration is available in the Admin Control Panel at USERS > Manage User Attributes. See User Management Overview for the details on the configuration. 

    BuyerQuest UserAttributes2020Nov29.png

    Account delegation

    The Account Delegation area allows a user to delegate tasks to another user when circumstances necessitate. Account delegation is usually used when a user will be on vacation or otherwise unavailable.

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    1. Specify the user who will act on behalf of the User.
    2. Specify Start Date for the delegation.
    3. Specify End Date for the delegation.
    4. Enter optional Reason for the delegation. For example: vacation. 

    Transfer of request documents and approval, reconciliation, and/or receiving tasks to another user 

    When a user is no longer available to participate in the procurement workflow, they may have remaining documents or tasks that require action to be taken against them. An administrator may transfer remaining tasks to another active user in the system by selecting the original user from the Manage Users Grid shown above and choosing the ACTION Transfer Tasks

    Documents or tasks that may be transferred are:

    • Request documents
    • Request approvals
    • Invoice reconciliation
    • Invoice approvals
    • Credit Memo approvals
    • Receiving 

    Regarding Requests documents, when users having open Purchase Orders become inactive, an administrator has the option to update the Requestor on Request documents to another active user in the system. Updating the Requestor updates all related documents. 

    After the documents or tasks are transferred:
    The user the documents or tasks were transferred to receives an email notification listing the documents needing action;
    The relevant documents requiring action will be listed in the MY DOCUMENTS area of the Main Menu for the user to whom the tasks were transferred.

    Tasks are transferred from the Manage Users Grid.

    BuyerQuest TransferTasksonGrid2020Aug11.png 

    1. Select a User from whom tasks are to be transferred.
    2. Choose Transfer Tasks from Actions.
    3. Submit.

    Transfer of Tasks allows an administrator to select tasks and users to transfer the tasks to. 

    BuyerQuest TransferofTasks2020Aug12.png

    1. The name of the user whose tasks are being transferred is shown in the top band.
    2. One or more tasks may be selected using the checkboxes.
    3. Designate the active user each task is being transferred to using the search/select boxes.
    4. Transfer Selected Request Documents using the search select box.
    5. Select the active user to be the Requestor of the Transferred Requests.
    6. Please note that the user the tasks are being transferred to must be in the same content group as the original user and also have the correct permissions to perform the transferred tasks. 
    7. Save and Process.

    Transferred tasks

    The Transferred Tasks area lists the Request documents and tasks that have been transferred from the user to another user, listing document and date of creation and date of transfer. 

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